




和訳:【うぬぼれた, 気どった】
She’s so big-headed!
彼女はとても頭が大きいです !
【英単語】big-headedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1




「big headed」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • arrogant
  • bombastic
  • cocky
  • exultant
  • pompous
  • pretentious
  • big
  • conceited
  • crowing
  • egotistic
  • egotistical
  • full of hot air
  • highfalutin
  • hot stuff
  • know-it-all
  • loudmouth
  • on ego trip
  • puffed-up
  • self-aggrandizing
  • self-applauding
  • smart-alecky
  • snooty
  • strutting
  • stuck-up
  • swaggering
  • swanky
  • swollen-headed
  • too big for one’s britches
  • vainglorious
  • vaunting
  • windbag

対義語・反対語一覧を覚えることで、big headedの単語を使いこなしましょう!

  • humble
  • modest
  • deprecating


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
big headed,
天狗になった、頭でっかちな figurative, informal (conceited) ( 比喩 )
The excessive praise for his last project has made him big headed.

big headedの実際の意味・ニュアンスを理解して、正しく使いましょう!

The most left the face of fireplace is the grandmother bed, big headed (usually at home grandmother) beds.
Between the bed and fireplace grandmother’s home women’s seats, fireplace on the other side is the men’s seats, big headed and old uncle’s seat next to the fireplace on both sides, as the two are the most warm the seat, while the other members of the generation in accordance with in turn were spread out, showing that Mosuo people are very respected elder.
Not to sound big headed or anything, but I’ve always felt like I had a special something about me, I’m not sure what exactly, but it made me stand out and it made me different (in a good way).
To show our appreciation, we’ve got something BIG headed your way! Happy Wars Anniversary Celebration will consist of fun events and Happy campaigns, so be prepared!
今回のアニバーサリーイベントは楽しいイベントや嬉しいキャンペーン盛りだくさんでお送りしていきます! まずは速報として以下の情報を解禁します!
But, in the past, Yoshimasa was probably the same kind of big-headed youth.
But what really sticks in my mind is how he once told me: “If you ever get big-headed, it’s all over.”
Sometimes I’m told not to pretend to be too intellectual and get big-headed about it, but I really love the time spent buried in the materials I have gathered and thinking this-and-that to work up a piece.
The reason isn’t clear but he killed Nagatsune HATAKEYAMA, who had once been ousted, and during this period, there were signs that Nagamasa became big-headed in the Hatakeyama family.
A person really has to be big-headed to think they can take an image and embody it in a way that moves people and then make them pay you for it (laughs).
The bus comfortably maneuvered by Mr. Fujita licensed for big-sized vehicles headed to Okutadami.
High-speed maneuvers are creating big waves headed inbound on the lifeboat. Slow down!
ゆっくり走れ! ひどくなってる!
In one Derek captures him shaven headed with big vulnerable eyes, pouting lips, and pierced nose.
WHEN WHEN is real hungry people sitting there, a pair of big eyes Zhi Gougou headed to a bowl to see.
On Line Donations If you have been moved by my story, and have made a donation following the link on this website, a big thank you is headed your way from the Watts family.
みんなとっても良く頑張ったよ。On Line Donations 私のお話に心が動かされてこのサイトのリンクから寄付して下さった方々、ワットファミリーからたくさんの感謝を贈ります。
We were both big-headed.
So after exhausting days with the big earthquake and radioactive pollution, I headed for HongKong.
Day 75 – Hong Kong – The Big Trip The weather wasn’t great today, but we headed out nonetheless.
75日目 Hong Kong 三日目 - The Big Trip 12月7日(月)曇り/雨本日は朝から灰色の空で地面が濡れている模様。
When the big day came, we filled their fridge with milk and fresh fruit and headed to the airport to meet our family.
いよいよ その日がやってきて 私達は家族の冷蔵庫を ミルクや果物で満たし 空港へ迎えに行きました
Ivy Lynn just landed a big gig playing Marilyn Monroe in a new musical headed for Broadway.
アイビー リンが マリリン モンローの大役を勝ち取った ブロードウェイを目指す新作ミュージカルです
Those giant-headed girls with the bug eyes wearing those big clunky shoes?
巨大な頭の少女達に驚いた ぶさいくな靴を履く




和訳:【うぬぼれた, 気どった】
She’s so big-headed!
彼女はとても頭が大きいです !
【英単語】big-headedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1




「big headed」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • arrogant
  • bombastic
  • cocky
  • exultant
  • pompous
  • pretentious
  • big
  • conceited
  • crowing
  • egotistic
  • egotistical
  • full of hot air
  • highfalutin
  • hot stuff
  • know-it-all
  • loudmouth
  • on ego trip
  • puffed-up
  • self-aggrandizing
  • self-applauding
  • smart-alecky
  • snooty
  • strutting
  • stuck-up
  • swaggering
  • swanky
  • swollen-headed
  • too big for one’s britches
  • vainglorious
  • vaunting
  • windbag

対義語・反対語一覧を覚えることで、big headedの単語を使いこなしましょう!

  • humble
  • modest
  • deprecating


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
big headed,
天狗になった、頭でっかちな figurative, informal (conceited) ( 比喩 )
The excessive praise for his last project has made him big headed.

big headedの実際の意味・ニュアンスを理解して、正しく使いましょう!

The most left the face of fireplace is the grandmother bed, big headed (usually at home grandmother) beds.
Between the bed and fireplace grandmother’s home women’s seats, fireplace on the other side is the men’s seats, big headed and old uncle’s seat next to the fireplace on both sides, as the two are the most warm the seat, while the other members of the generation in accordance with in turn were spread out, showing that Mosuo people are very respected elder.
Not to sound big headed or anything, but I’ve always felt like I had a special something about me, I’m not sure what exactly, but it made me stand out and it made me different (in a good way).
To show our appreciation, we’ve got something BIG headed your way! Happy Wars Anniversary Celebration will consist of fun events and Happy campaigns, so be prepared!
今回のアニバーサリーイベントは楽しいイベントや嬉しいキャンペーン盛りだくさんでお送りしていきます! まずは速報として以下の情報を解禁します!
But, in the past, Yoshimasa was probably the same kind of big-headed youth.
But what really sticks in my mind is how he once told me: “If you ever get big-headed, it’s all over.”
Sometimes I’m told not to pretend to be too intellectual and get big-headed about it, but I really love the time spent buried in the materials I have gathered and thinking this-and-that to work up a piece.
The reason isn’t clear but he killed Nagatsune HATAKEYAMA, who had once been ousted, and during this period, there were signs that Nagamasa became big-headed in the Hatakeyama family.
A person really has to be big-headed to think they can take an image and embody it in a way that moves people and then make them pay you for it (laughs).
The bus comfortably maneuvered by Mr. Fujita licensed for big-sized vehicles headed to Okutadami.
High-speed maneuvers are creating big waves headed inbound on the lifeboat. Slow down!
ゆっくり走れ! ひどくなってる!
In one Derek captures him shaven headed with big vulnerable eyes, pouting lips, and pierced nose.
WHEN WHEN is real hungry people sitting there, a pair of big eyes Zhi Gougou headed to a bowl to see.
On Line Donations If you have been moved by my story, and have made a donation following the link on this website, a big thank you is headed your way from the Watts family.
みんなとっても良く頑張ったよ。On Line Donations 私のお話に心が動かされてこのサイトのリンクから寄付して下さった方々、ワットファミリーからたくさんの感謝を贈ります。
We were both big-headed.
So after exhausting days with the big earthquake and radioactive pollution, I headed for HongKong.
Day 75 – Hong Kong – The Big Trip The weather wasn’t great today, but we headed out nonetheless.
75日目 Hong Kong 三日目 - The Big Trip 12月7日(月)曇り/雨本日は朝から灰色の空で地面が濡れている模様。
When the big day came, we filled their fridge with milk and fresh fruit and headed to the airport to meet our family.
いよいよ その日がやってきて 私達は家族の冷蔵庫を ミルクや果物で満たし 空港へ迎えに行きました
Ivy Lynn just landed a big gig playing Marilyn Monroe in a new musical headed for Broadway.
アイビー リンが マリリン モンローの大役を勝ち取った ブロードウェイを目指す新作ミュージカルです
Those giant-headed girls with the bug eyes wearing those big clunky shoes?
巨大な頭の少女達に驚いた ぶさいくな靴を履く

