「bicycle lane」の意味(noun)
読み方は【ˈbaɪ·sɪ·kl ˌleɪn】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈbaɪ·sɪ·kl ˌleɪnを大声で発音しましょう
bicycle laneの実際の意味・ニュアンス(自転車レーン?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
Out of the bicycle lane boarded a human to compare the bustling Zhongshan Road shopping around, the night quiet, pedestrian sparse, there is no imagination in the busy, entertainment.
Measure distancesAccording to this document, the bicycle lane must be two meters wide when constructed on two-way roads and at least 1.5 meters in the single direction. the distances between the rider and obstacles that are in your area are also regulated.
Berlin is well known for its highly developed bicycle lane system.
The city road, which was four lanes and 22 meters wide, was modified to a two-lane road, and a two-meter-wide bicycle lane and one and half meter-wide stopping lane were set up along the sidewalk.
Specifically, the city will promote such initiatives as bicycle lane development, educational activities for rules and etiquette, promotion of tourism using rental bicycles, and elderly-friendly bicycle use.
Any way there are a lot of bicycles everywhere and bicycle lane is secured. Foreign people have to care and don’t stand at this lane.
In 2007, the renowned He Ming-De Charity Fund made a donation to build this suspension bridge, as a link between the Singan and Singcun Communities for school children as well as the residents.Shingjia Suspension Bridge is characterized by a 3.1km-long bicycle lane shaded by Taiwan Golden Rain Tree.
2007年に両岸の学生、市民の通学、往来の便宜を図り、全国的に有名な何明德が慈善事業として出資し、安里と興村里を結ぶ吊り橋を建設しました。 行嘉吊り橋には長さ3.1kmにわたってモクゲンジの植えられた自行車道があり、南側には興仁段の河濱運動公園と親水公園があります。
Nagoya’s Bicycle Lane Safe for Bicycles, Pedestrians, No Negative Impact on Drivers | Japan for Sustainability
名古屋の自転車道実験、自転車・歩行者には安全、運転者には影響なし|JFS ジャパン・フォー・サステナビリティ
Most bicycle lanes in Japan are only marked by lines, but this bicycle lane is separated spatially from sidewalks.