英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
beehive | ミツバチの巣箱 | (man-made home for bees) |
Farmers rent the beehives to fertilize their fields. | ||
農民たちは畑を肥やすためにミツバチの巣箱を借りました。 | ||
beehive | 蜂の巣 | (natural bees’ nest) |
There’s a beehive in one of my oak trees. | ||
うちのオークの木に蜂の巣がある。 | ||
beehive | 蜂の巣 | figurative (busy place) ( 比喩 ) |
人が群がる場所、忙しい場所 | ||
The newsroom’s a beehive every afternoon. | ||
ニュースルームは毎日午後になるとまるで蜂の巣です。 | ||
beehive | ビーハイブヘア | (1960s high hairstyle) ( 1960年代に流行した髪型 ) |
All the women in those old photos had beehives. | ||
それらの古い写真のすべての女性は蜂の巣を持っていました。 |
I got more rhymes Than a beehive has bees
It was like being in a giant beehive.
まるで巨大な蜂の巣みたいに 居なくて良かったな
Every year about 300 people participate in this school and enjoy hands-on activities such as observing a beehive, collecting honey, and making candles from beeswax.
Wooden beehive and lined up in neat layers of bees with a board, packed in a list on each board with bees nest.
For centuries, beekeepers assumed that bees sealed the beehive with propolis to protect the colony from the elements, such as rain and cold winter drafts.
The beekeeper collects the pollen with a collecting device that is placed at the entrance of the beehive where the pollen balls that the bees carry fall before they enter the hive.
You can take honey directly out of a beehive and spoon it onto a pancake or yogurt.
MBK launched in is a beehive of activity, especially on weekends, Read More
MBKは、活動の蜂の巣であるに発売しました, 特に週末, 続きを読む
It totally makes sense. It’s like a giant beehive.
ここは巨大な 蜂の巣みたいなものよ
The Tangrin will no longer spawn a new beehive if any raid member already possesses one.
レイドのメンバーが既に蜂の巣を入手していれば、The Tangrin は蜂の巣をドロップしません。
Gretchen calms Isabella and just as she unveils the beehive, the girls discover the bees are gone.
The name “tholos (beehive)” comes from this look.
Unless you’re open to praying for a beehive to fall on her head.
蜂の巣が彼女の頭に落ちる お祈りなら続けても結構だけど
Try to spot the beehive. It’s there.
蜂の巣があるんですが どこかわかりますか?
She gets a beehive stuck on her head, runs into a cliff, falls into mud, and ends up provoking bats and a large wild boar.
A ruined 1500’s monastery is ‘recent’ when compared to stone beehive huts built in 2000 BCE.
台無しにされた1500の修道院は2000 BCEに建てられた石造りの蜂の巣小屋と比較されるとき最近のです。
So, in July 2006, together with 18 other poor women, they were provided with a beehive, protection gear and training in honey production.
The animal carvings (there’s also a snake and a big beehive) are as unique as the giant treehouse play structure!
動物の彫刻(蛇や大きな蜂の巣もあります)は巨大な樹上の家の遊びの構造と同じくらいユニークです! ピクニックランチをして日帰り旅行にしましょう - 屋外プールで泳いだり、パブリックアートを楽しんだりしましょう。
Like a beehive, this library has an infinite number of hexagonal reading rooms that are stacked vertically and horizontally.Never will anyone find an exit from this library.
Slea Head Drive on the Dingle Peninsula boasts excellent sea views on one side of the road and, on the other, Irish famine cottages, Dunbeg Fort and a cluster ancient beehive huts.
Dingle半島のSlea Head Driveは、道路の片側から素晴らしい海の景色を望み、もう一方ではアイルランドの飢饉のコテージ、Dunbeg Fort、そして古代の蜂の巣小屋を誇っています。