「bean sprout」の意味(noun)
参考:「bean sprout」の例文一覧
読み方は【ˈbiːn ˌspraʊt】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈbiːn ˌspraʊtを大声で発音しましょう
bean sproutの実際の意味・ニュアンス(もやし?モヤシ?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
Characterized by its simple but very thick soy sauce type soup based on pork bone broth, with a healthy accent of green onion and bean sprout.
It comes with thick and rich soup, bean sprout, shredded kelp, peanuts chunks, and of course the soybean meat.
The fresh bean sprout and soft-boiled egg are irresistible.
It featured onion, carrot, bean sprout and lettuce – and tofu, of course, then pork and canned beef hash.
Announcing the results first, everything was a hit! Spicy bean sprout namul, fried sardine, corn tempura, airy Japanese-style rolled omelette, pasta style udon, buttered clam…
The sundae (rice sausage) with plenty of ingredients like mushroom, pork, mung bean sprout, bean curd, sticky rice and millet is too delicious to reject.
The soup is very rich, and you might feel the flavored oil is the freshness and texture of the kaiware daikon and bean sprout toppings balance the ramen’s taste out perfectly.
While it was not easy in Nagasaki at the time to secure a steady supply of ingredients all through the year, people innovatively devised their cooking methods using the seafood from the inshore waters, kamaboko and chikuwa (both made with fish paste), bean sprout, cabbage and other vegetables, along with various other seasonal ingredients, and developed champon as a local specialty dish of Nagasaki with which you can enjoy an abundance of solid ingredients as well as the taste of each season.
Miso soup of bean sprout.
Miso soup of Bean sprout.
Bean sprout with Olive oil.
Soybeans (including immature soybeans and bean sprout)
This thick soup goes very well with bean sprout.
In addition to local television in China and the Internet, even overseas media from various places have been talking about the “bean sprout.”
Now there are even flowers and fruits in addition to the bean sprout, and the number of variations are said to be about one hundred.
Records are said to be left that Kenchen was a dish frying Moyashi(bean sprout) with sesame oil seasoned with salt or soy sauce back in the Edo Period(1603-1867).
Signs sauté Wong (33 million) Jiucai Hua, dried shrimp, squid soil silk, silver fish Tsai, cashew nuts, bean sprout Chao Chu, soil squid silk is thought to spend a hanging piece of Kowloon, pay the full homework.
Stir fried bean sprout and the other or stick chicken bar, Spring Roll sauce, Shrimp Chile, I enjoyed that a lot of dumplings and so on.
Blooming ground flowers, closed flowers bloom under the ground.After the flower, it makes a flat bean sprout like a small sheath bean.
Lunch. Meat with Bean sprout sauced ramen.