英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
bather | 泳ぐ人 | (swimmer) |
Cézanne painted a number of pictures of female bathers. | ||
セザンヌは水浴する女性の絵を数多く描いています。 | ||
bather | 入浴する人、水浴びする人 | (person taking a bath) |
bathers | 水着 | informal (men’s swimming trunks) |
Theo forgot his bathers; he had to sit by the side of the pool and watch his friends as they swam. | ||
テオは入浴者を忘れました。彼はプールのそばに座って、友達が泳いでいるのを見なければなりませんでした。 |
The healing powers will then be transmitted from the water to the bather.
In addition, a roof is provided, but a sense of openness can be felt because of a deep view in front of the bather‘s eyes.
Pretending to be a bather, Sukeroku sits on a stool saying ‘I’m a cold one.’
But the bathers may get in trouble with the local fishermen if they lower too water temperature, so the bathers had better get other bather‘s consent.
Later the drill continued with another course bather, to 150 meters from the beach, was struggling to return and pretended watercraft going in their search had failed, so the rescue had to make swimming.
後でドリルは、別のコースの入浴者を継続, A 150 ビーチからメートル, 返すのに苦労し、それらの検索で行く水上バイクが失敗したふりをした, その救助水泳をしなければならなかった.
Bather Must Cross This River Junction of Each Routes Cliff, Watch Your Step!
川を渡る 各ルートの合流地点 崖。気をつけて!
A much-reproduced statuette The Bather was exhibited at the Salon of 1757, at a time when Falconet was nominated director of sculpture at the Sèvres porcelain manufactory with a view to refining its style.
数々の複製 《ニンフ》がサロンに出展された1757年には、ファルコネはセーヴル磁器製作所で彫刻部門を率い、より気品のあるジャンルを任せられていた。
In fact, he takes figures from previous pictures, in particular The Valpinçon Bather (Musée du Louvre) in which we see a woman with her back toward us, but in the present picture she is placed in the foreground with a musical instrument.
In one of the busts, she asked to be depicted with her hair dressed in the style of Falconet’s Bather (a sculpture she owned, Louvre), but she was disappointed with the result and had the work destroyed.The last of these busts was the life-sized marble portrait now kept in the Louvre, which triumphed at the Salon of 1773.
この内の一つは、ファルコネの《入浴する女》(当時夫人が所持、現ルーヴル蔵)の髪型風にと注文した肖像だったが、仕上げにがっかりした夫人は、これを壊させた。 この中の最後の胸像がルーヴルにある等身大の肖像で、1773年のサロン展で大成功を収めた作品である。
Blind fencess obstructed the bather‘s view, so a view is not good.
In addition, trees disturb bather‘s eyes, unfortunately a view from the outdoor bath is not good.
Osoushi River flows before bather‘s eyes, and a view is nice.
The Kaitorima River flows in fron of bather‘s eyes, and a sense of openness can be enjoyed.
A bather‘s dream: Muse Bath candle and the signature Muse Bath is a blend of organic coconut milk salts, eucalyptus leaves, and lavender flowers.
お風呂好きには夢のようなセットアップ:Museバスキャンドルとオーガニックココナッツミルクソルト、ユーカリ、ラベンダーをミックスしたブレンドのMuse Bathの定番アイテム。
Indoor Bath The outdoor bath is the size that about 4 people can take a bath, and there is a garden before bather‘s eyes, so the bathers can enjoy taking a bath while forest bathing.
内湯 露天風呂は4人くらいが入浴できそうな大きさ。目の前に庭があり、森林浴をしながら温泉が楽しめるスタイルです。
The pure lines of the slender body and the graceful foot, cautiously extended toward the water, evoke the bather‘s rather shy innocence.
The cause of the heart attack is called “heat-shock” which is a physical condition resulting from a sudden change in temperature which happens when, after soaking in a heated bathtub, the bather goes out to the cold changing room.
熱い湯船に浸かり、外気と同じくらい寒い脱衣所に出る。 この急激な温度変化で体調が急変することをヒートショックと言うそうだ。
Indoor Bath Is Size That About 10 Poeple Can Take Bath Large rocks catch bather‘s eyes first.
10人くらいが入浴できそうな内湯 据え付けられた巨岩が目を引きます。
If the bather, instead of entering the water, wash himself by pouring it upon his body, it shall be better for him and shall absolve him of the need for bodily immersion.
Renoir’s “Large Bather” (1905), which rarely goes outside the USA, will be exhibited in Japan for the first time.