【暴力的で残酷】 意味として使われています。
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
barbaric | 野蛮な、未開の | (savage, uncivilized) |
残酷な | ||
The treatment of inmates in this prison is barbaric. | ||
この刑務所の受刑者の扱いは野蛮です。 | ||
barbaric | 野蛮人の | historical (relating to barbarians) |
Barbaric invaders sacked the outlying villages. | ||
野蛮な侵略者は辺境の村を略奪しました。 |
We condemn utterly these barbaric attacks.
Renaissance humanists criticized Medieval Latin calling it “barbaric jargon”.
There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity.
昔は人間性が知られたはずの この残忍な屠殺小屋にも ほんの少しは文明のかけらが 残っているのね
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed, that’s what we provide, in our own modest, humble, insignificant…
見た? 昔は人間性が知られたはずの この残忍な屠殺小屋にも
Don’t you think the elites have figured out this simple reasoning by now? And even the most barbaric travel restrictions won’t stop mobs of angry city-dwellers from rushing the line.
あなた方は、エリート達がこの単純な推論を今までに解いたと、考えないのですか? そして、もっとも粗野な旅行帰省でさえ、怒った都市居住者達の暴徒達が、塹壕に突進するのを止められないでしょう。
For all our flaws, we have abandoned these barbaric practices.
現代人に欠点はあっても 野蛮な慣習は捨てたんだ
What’s this barbaric rumor I hear about sterilization?
不妊手術などと言う野蛮な 噂は何ですか?
The mass craving for tourism quickly turned barbaric and engulfed the times.
You think they’d allow you to continue your barbaric practice?
お前の野蛮な実験を 彼らが許すと思うの?
Were different, living on the frontiers barbaric behavior, but also warm, simple.
I know it is a barbaric ritual we don’t want any part of, but that’s Lisa’s family, and they live back in Texas…
野蛮な儀式だから 我々は属したくなかった しかしそれはリサの一族で テキサスに住んで…
Baseball? No. Boxing, football, ice hockey – the truly barbaric sports.
入りません、ボクシング、フットボール、 アイス・ホッケー、野蛮なスポーツだけです
This barbaric mistreatment is a true example of man’s inhumanity to man.
How about, “Dr. Mallory will now explain how man and his barbaric nature will destroy space, as he has the Earth.”
こうしよう ”では博士が説明します” ”野蛮な人間が いかに宇宙を破壊するか”
Under her direction, the Ca’d’Oro suffered barbaric restoration.
彼女の指示の下では、Ca `d`Oroは野蛮な修復を受けた。
Together with the invited leaders and heads of international organizations we adopted a separate statement on condemning barbaric terrorist acts carried out on 11 July 2006 in Mumbai and other parts of India.
But I think that is not in place, should reward whistle-blowers, the 2000 bonus as a whistle-blowers in order to eradicate this cruel barbaric habits.
And the Qalandar people will rise above all this cruel barbaric past that they’ve lived all their lives.
カランダルの人々もこの非情で野蛮な過去を払拭し ここから立ち上がるのです
Now as I see it, solitary confinement is one of the most inhumane and barbaric places but find myself I did.
私が思うに 独房監禁は 人が入れる場所の中で 最も非人道的で野蛮な所です そして私はそこに入りました
People create their own civilization, but to use barbaric means to undermine it, and it is hard to understand, really acts against the United States today issued means.