英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
bannister |
手すり | (handrail on stairs) |
The elderly man made his way slowly down the stairs, one hand on the banister and the other on his walking stick. | ||
年配の男性は、片手で手すりを握り、もう一方の手で杖を握りながら、ゆっくりと階段を下りました。 | ||
banister | 手すり子 | often plural (support for a handrail) ( 手すりの支え ) |
When we were kids, my brother put his head through the banisters and got it stuck. | ||
私たちが子供の頃、兄が手すりに頭を突っ込んで動けなくなってしまいました。 |
When the primer has dried, you can start with the banister brush.
When the wooden banister was until now not painted, it is just a fine tuning needed.
Today we want to introduce the banister as a design element that takes part in the color scheme of your home.
The third event, held in the Zebulon Bar San Francisco on June 5, 2008, featured green prinnies suspended from every banister and light fitting.
There is a banister and a hand hold on the left hand side going up.
The promenade is arranged along the cliff but there is no banister or anything else to lean on.It looks as if the cliff refuses our human intervention.
The banister of the magnificent staircase, inspired by the Paris Opera House, was designed by Louis Majorelle, who is also credited with the ironwork featured on the balconies.
It is this methodological tension that supports the form of my thesis, which I believeis necessary to understand and which can, in fact, be understood. For it is a tension inherent in what Arendt once called a ‘thinking without banister‘.
Like there on the banister.
For example, once Roger Banister broke the four-minute mile, everyone broke it because the barrier had been shattered.
例えば、Roger の手すりが4 分のマイルを壊したら、皆は障壁が粉砕されたのでそれを壊した。
Balustrade post base covers to be placed over the mounting base plate of our range of stainless steel upright banister posts.
This range of stainless steel banister posts are available in either 304 grade or 316 grade stainless steel.
There is a banister and a hand hold on the left hand side going up Landing There is a small landing at the top of the stairs.
左手にぼんやりと手が上がっている 着陸 階段の上に小さな着陸があります。
A range of pre-drilled, easy to install baluster posts.Available in various diameters and ready to accept other modular components from across the range.This range of stainless steel banister posts are available in either 304 (interior) grade or 316 (exterior) grade stainless steel.
In addition to these activities, it is a well-known fact that he also utilized his knowledge to serve as an editorial consultant for Sir Banister Fletcher’s “A History of Architecture” for the southern and southeastern areas of Asia.
Thursday, July 11th: St. Mary’s University Stampede Breakfast: 9 – 11 am, St. Mary’s University, 14500 Banister Road SE Come for a morning full of music, laughter, fun, and games, but most importantly, delicious food prepared by members of the St. Mary’s community!
じゃあね! 7月の木曜日11th: セントメアリーズ大学スタンピード朝食:9 - 11 am、セントメアリーズ大学、14500 Banister Road SE 音楽、笑い、楽しさ、そしてゲームでいっぱいの朝をお迎えください。もっとも重要なのは、セントメアリーのコミュニティのメンバーによって準備されたおいしい料理です。
Having later been unable to reach her on the phone, Jang’s sister returned to their shared home at 7:42 p.m. to find her body hanging from the stairway banister.
Corner mounting brackets for inside or outside corners, face fixing brackets and base plates for inclines.Intelligent design to solve the trickiest mounting problems for your stainless steel banister.
Work on the staircase banister rail in Galeries Lafayette was carried out by Louis Majorelle, a major Art Nouveau artist.At the Hôtel Mansart we recommend taking in the magnificent view from the roofs of the two buildings.
The 2 tiers of balconies also have movable seats and a patron can move the seat very close to the banister of the balcony’s pony wall for a superb view of the stage below.