英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
aviary | 鳥小屋 | (bird house) |
Parakeets are gentle birds that can be kept in an aviary. | ||
インコは、鳥小屋で飼えるおとなしい鳥です。 |
This piece of nature stretches almost 20 hectares and includes a dolphin tank, aquarium, and an aviary, where the best examples of fauna from the five continents are brought together.
In fact, confirming the national and international ramifications of the Sardinian cell, during the investigation numerous contacts emerged with members of other Nigerian criminal cells, with particular reference to the Grand Ibaka residing in Padua, as well as to the World Ibaka, residing in Treviso, considered top figures of the Italian organization of the Supreme Eiye Confraternity, called Vatican Aviary, the first recipient of the detention provision carried out with the collaboration of the Flying Squad of Venice.
The mythical Aviary does not exist.
A playground, an impressive aviary, a fishing pond (have the chef prepare your catch for your lunch!) and a lovely pool to cool off in are a wonderful way to spend the day.
Kids especially will be entranced as they wait for a glimpse of the octopus that lies under the dock, watch the ibis flock to their island aviary across the bay, or see lobster and crab scuttle.
Wickham Park, located in East Hartford and Manchester, features Oriental gardens, fountains, open fields, woodlands, ponds, picnic areas, softball fields, and an aviary.
We report on the blog aviary unspecified prices, without indicating how much we are talking about, but making it clear that they will continue working to build new applications and create a more flexible and powerful SDK.
我々は、ブログの鳥類の詳細については、どのくらいの話をされていない価格を示すことなく、報告するが、彼らは新しいアプリケーションを構築し、より柔軟で強力な SDK を作成する作業を継続することを明確に。
There will also be time to explore the castle grounds where you will find the ‘Lady Baillie Garden’ with views over the lake, an aviary and maze.Canterbury Cathedral Travelling through Kent, the county known as the ‘Garden of England’, you make your way to Canterbury to visit the Cathedral.
カンタベリー大聖堂 英国の庭と言われる緑豊かなケントの風景を愛でながら、英国国教会の総本山、カンタベリー大聖堂へ(大聖堂入場には別途チケット購入が必要です。
Adobe buys Aviary online photo editor | Tech news & Rumor
アドビは、鳥のオンラインフォトエディタを購入 | ハイテクニュース & うわさ
Or read more about the launch on the Aviary blog.
ローンチについては、Aviary のブログにも詳細な記述がある。
If that’s the case, we expect Aviary will find lots of opportunities here.
For more information, check out Aviary‘s home on the Japanese.
[1] 詳しくは、Aviary の日本のウェブサイト Aviary.jp をチェックしてほしい。
The company has been gearing up for the launch of its first international edition of its Aviary photo editor app here in Japan.
同社は、フォトエディタ Aviary の初の国際版をここ日本でローンチすべく邁進してきた。
Tools such as turning, cutting, or text are just as present in Aviary Photo Editor as filters for contrast, brightness and saturation.
Calling the app Aviary Photo Editor presents a partial overview of the existing images in the directory photos and graphics.
Our readers may recall that Aviary recently launched the first international edition of its photo editor in Japan back in November.
Aviary が11月に、日本でフォトエディタの初の国際版をローンチしたのは記憶に新しい。
Aviary explains that will be Japan exclusive content available in this version of the app, including filters, frames, and yes, stickers too.
Aviary によれば、今回のバージョンでは、フィルタ、フレーム、スタンプなど、日本向けのみのコンテンツが追加される。
For a recent project called Drone Aviary, we were interested in exploring what it would mean to live with drones in our cities.
Drone Aviary という 最近のプロジェクトでは ドローンとともに 都市で暮らすというのが どういうことかを 探ろうとしています
We will continue to support and enhance Aviary‘s SDK as part of Adobe’s broader Creative SDK offering.
我々は、Adobe の広範なクリエイティブ sdk を提供する一環として、鳥類の sdk をサポートし、強化していきます。
Aviary Photo Editor pursued an unusual operating concept, which should especially newcomers in the field to address image processing for image processing.