【現金自動預け払い機の省略形: プラスチック カードを使用してお金を得る機械】の意味として使われています。
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
ATM | 現金自動預入支払機、ATM | initialism (automated teller machine) |
I forgot to bring euros with me to France, so on arriving in Paris, I had to find an ATM. | ||
フランスにユーロを持っていくのを忘れたので、パリに着いたらATMを探さなければなりませんでした。 |
When protected by this wire, optical fiber can withstand water pressure of up to 800 atm at depths of up to 8000 m.
For this experiment, a domed aluminum case 6.4 cm in diameter was developed to maintain long-term pressure of 1 atm.
Free radical addition polymerization of ethylene must take place at high temperatures and pressures, approximately 300 ºC and 2000 atm.
エチレンのラジカル付加重合には、およそ 300 ºC、2000 気圧の高温高圧条件が必要である。
During an operation, steam of about 280 ºC and 70 atm is generated inside.
原子炉運転中は温度約280 ºC、圧力約70気圧の水蒸気が圧力容器内に発生している。
IST is a small terrarium on orbit in which the atmosphere pressure is kept at 1 atm by air.
6, before blasting should contact Air Station, the supply of compressed air 3-5 atm.
It is even more preferable that the average internal pressure be 0.1 atm or less.
Conquest Series with Like all watches, this watch water resistant to 5 atm, screw -down back with sapphire crystal.
などと征服シリーズすべての腕時計、 5気圧に耐性この時計の水は、ねじ込み式バックサファイアクリスタルで。
Because the open side is face the outside air, it is 1 atm.
In order to perform EVA, the internal atmospheric pressure of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) must be lowered to 0.3 atm of pure oxygen.
Articular cartilage is thought to be physiologically loaded with hydrostatic pressure up to 50 atm, corresponding to water pressure at 500 m in depth, by weight and exercise.
それは、水深500 mの圧力に匹敵する50気圧の静水圧を軟骨細胞に負荷する方法です。
There is no excess pressure over the atmospheric pressure of 1 atm in the air inside the balloon at this stage.
この時、風船内の空気には、大気圧 1気圧以上の圧力はかかっていない。
Since the mercury heights are the same, the atmospheric pressure of the clogged air is also 1 atm.
Omega Watches Replica Seamaster Planet Ocean watch is water resistant to 600 meters 60 atm (600 meters/ 2,000 feet), and a helium escape valve.
オメガの腕時計のレプリカシーマスタープラネットオーシャンの時計は、水600メートル60気圧(600メートル/ 2000フィート)、およびヘリウムエスケープバルブに耐性があります。
Other measurements included surface pressure of about 9,100 kilopascals (90 atm), temperature of 485 ºC (905 ºF), and surface light levels comparable to those at Earth mid-latitudes on a cloudy summer day.
The watch is water-resistant up to 10 atm and impresses in particular with the multi-frequency radio-controlled solar power movement with integrated Autoscan function, created by Junghans.
Diffraction patterns of a synchrotron radiation X-ray and a neutron taken under extreme high pressure (130× 103 atm.)The red profile represents the diffraction pattern from LaD.
X線回折、中性子回折ともに結晶構造を反映したある特定の原子面からの回折が観測されます。得られた成果 LaD2に11万気圧の高圧力を加えると、金属格子の大きさが異なる2つの状態が現れることがX線回折実験により観測されました。
Still, the control scientists succeeded in extrapolating the pressure (90 atm) from the temperature data with 465 ºC (869 ºF), which resulted from the first direct surface measurements.
In the method, the substance which is in a gaseous state under ambient temperature/ambient pressure conditions may be a substance showing a gaseous state at 25˚C and 1 atm.
They thus narrowed their focus to designing a sphere with a resilient equator that would withstand enormous pressure.In August 2013, sixteen months after joining the project, they had crafted a sphere capable of withstanding 800 atm of pressure.