和訳:【~を非常に驚かせる, 仰天させる】
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
astonish [sb] | ~を驚かす、~をびっくりさせる | (amaze, astound) ( 人 ) |
The cost of the wedding truly astonished me. | ||
結婚式の費用には全然だめでした。 |
The answer will astonish those who take our message seriously and are making changes in their lives.
The ultra rich are aware of ZetaTalk to a degree that would astonish the debunking crowd.
Let yourself be surprised! We can guarantee that the pictures from this post will astonish you.
Among them, ancient cave temples and stone-cut temples, medieval stone temples full of sacred sculptures, and mausoleums of the Mughal Dynasty in the stage of matured early modern culture, will astonish our eyes.
Zeta youngsters are counseled when they are having difficulty, and given assistance to a degree that would astonish humans, when in need, but the roles they assume in play are self chosen, and when they succeed at these roles it is based on honest interaction between the youngsters.
If this would astonish you, that they could have a reach into NASA and foist a fraud, take a look at the personality of most of those running NASA, and their former affiliation to the CIA.
Not asking for a date or a prediction from the Zetas as I fully understand that this is forbidden, but can they comment on what the government is thinking in regards to this? The number of people who are aware of ZetaTalk and take it seriously would astonish those naïve and insecure debunkers who are trying to shout the message into silence.
私が完全にはそれを理解するように、ゼータに日付または予測を求めないことは、禁じられているが、彼らは政府がこれに関し考えていることについて、コメントすることができますか? ゼータトークを知っている、又はシリアスにそれをとる多くの人達は、沈黙させようとメッセージを叫んでいる単純で不安定な批判家を驚かす。
But I will tell you something to conclude that I guarantee you will astonish you, because it’s astonished all of the brilliant, wonderful people I’ve met at this TED conference, when I’ve told them, and it’s this: Never in my life have I had a cell phone.
でも結論として 皆さんが絶対に驚くようなことを お話しします それは このTEDカンファレンスで出会った 全ての輝くばかりの素晴らしい人々を 驚かしたものなのです -それは- 私は人生で一度も携帯電話を持ったことがない
This seemed to astonish scientists.
The dandy, therefore, is always compelled to astonish.
Its ability to illuminate continues to astonish us with new discoveries.
光の照らす力を使った新しい発明は 私たちを驚かせ続けることでしょう
Omnicast and the capabilities of the entire system continue to astonish us.
So, come to astonish us with your magic tricks, I suppose?
それで 手品で我々を愚かしに 来たんですか?
They look very chic and astonish people with their attractive look.In this article we have created a large picture gallery.
Unique colors Whether it’s Lavender, Transparent azo green gold, or Haemoglobin; they will astonish you and expand your palette.
ユニーク色 ラベンダー、アゾ グリーンゴールド、ヘモグロビンなど、いずれもあなたを驚かせ、パレットでの可能性を広げるでしょう。
We are convinced that the lighting ideas will surprise and even astonish you! Many people opt for a simple lamp or a standard chandelier when furnishing a room.
Life without electricity creates difficulties in many aspects of daily living and their stories, for a man freshly out of Japan, continued to astonish me.
With their elegance they can astonish you.In this article we will present you a specific type of lighting.
In particular, every time I come to the Hotel Okura Tokyo I find something to astonish me.
The fantastic album “Wired For Madness” showcases his diverse talent as a composer, astonish technique as a keyboard player and sound-design skills.
WIRED FOR MADNESSは、ジョーダンの音楽に対するジャンルを超越した造詣深さや類まれなるコンポーザーとしての才能、驚異的なキーボードプレイヤーとしてのテクニック、サウンドクリエイトの能力が見事に融合し昇華された聴きごたえのある作品となっている。