As ifとas thoughの違い・使い分けについて詳しく説明
As if as though あるかのように 接続詞。
as if と as though if を使って比較します。同じような意味です。 as if and as though if は、架空の状況やそうではない状況について話すときに使用します。 本当ですが、それは可能性が高いか可能です。 As if よりも as though if の方が一般的です。
The floods were rising and it was as if it was the end of the world.
It looks as if they’ve had a shock.
It looks as though you’ve not met before.
as if と as though if の両方を使用して、その後に非限定句または前置詞句を続けることができます。
She moved her lips as if to smile.
They were shouting as though in panic.
As if および as though if は一般的に動詞の feel と look に従います。
She felt as if all her worries had gone.
They felt as though they had been given the wrong information.
I’ve got so much work it looks as if I’ll have to stay at home this evening.
非公式の英語では、 like は as if と同様の方法で使用できますが、正式な文脈では常に正しいと見なされるわけではありません。
It felt like it could snow at any minute.