和訳:【計算数の, 計算上の】
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
arithmetical | 算数の、算術の | (relating to arithmetic) |
The astronomical counting of the negative years is the only one suitable for arithmetical purpose.
The arithmetical mean roughness (Ra) of the rough-surfaced rolled foil is preferably not less than 0.1 μm but not more than 10 μm.
The cellulose ester film is characterized in that particles are contained in the film, the arithmetical mean roughness (Ra) of the surface of the film is 0.5 to 2.0 nm inclusive, and the number of projections each having a peak height 10 times or more higher than the Ra value on the surface of the film is 10 or less per 0.01 mm2 of the film.
Moreover, the direction of orientation of the SiC fiber in the SiC fiber-reinforced SiC composite may be such that the arithmetical mean of cos2θ associated with each SiC fiber for all SiC fibers may be 1/2 or greater, where θ is the angle formed with the longitudinal direction of the wing part (4).
To achieve this, the surface protection film is fabricated as an elastomer by setting the arithmetical mean roughness (Ra) of the surface of a cold roller (4) to no more than 0.2μm, and the ten point mean roughness (Rz) of the surface of a nip roller (3) to 2-8μm and the mean distance (Sm) between protrusions and depressions thereof to no more than 90μm.
Requests for the supplementation of an arbitration award under the ICSID Convention seldom succeed.Article 49 (2) of the ICSID Convention provides: The Tribunal upon the request of a party made within 45 days after the date on which the award was rendered may after notice to the other party decide any question which it had omitted to decide in the award, and shall rectify any clerical, arithmetical or similar error in the award. Its decision shall become part of the award and shall be notified to the parties in the same manner as the award.
記事 49 (2) ICSID条約提供の:内製の当事者の要求に応じて裁判所 45 賞は、レンダリングされた日付日後には、事前の通知後に相手にそれが賞に決定するために省略していたすべての質問を決定してもよいです, どの事務を是正しなければなりません, この賞で算術または同様のエラー. その決定は、賞の一部となるものとし、数々の賞と同様に当事者に通知しなければなりません.
arithmetical operators in formulae
One of the founding works of algebraic number theory, the Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Latin: Arithmetical Investigations) is a textbook of number theory written in Latin by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1798 when Gauss was 21 and first published in 1801 when he was 24.
代数的整数論を創始した仕事の1つ、Disquisitiones Arithmeticae(ラテン語で算術研究)は、カール・フリードリヒ・ガウスによって1798年にラテン語で書かれた整数論の教科書である.当時ガウスは21歳であり、初出版は24歳の1801年であった。
The values will be periodically calculated based on an arithmetical expression.
The middle section of the Expression Builder displays buttons for inserting common arithmetical and logical operators into your expression.
Operators are symbols that perform arithmetical tasks or comparisons, or refer to ranges of columns, rows, or cells. You use operators in formulas that perform calculations on data rows or columns.
Prepare to indulge in the remake of the phenomenal arcade classic and journey through the amazing arithmetical world! Your goal in this game is to control the Math Man to consume all the ghosts in the mazes after solving the equations.
Thus, in a formal theory such as Peano arithmetic in which one can make statements about numbers and their arithmetical relationships to each other, one can use a Gödel numbering to indirectly make statements about the theory itself.
“The key to the physics of the cosmos” Phi is a constant value which is even more mysterious and profound in its implications than pi.Like pi, phi is a number with no arithmetical solution.
ファイ(中庸) -“宇宙物理学の鍵(プラトン)” ファイは、含意においてパイよりも神秘的で、深い固定値で あり、ファイはパイのように算術的解答のない数で、重複することなく無限に続きます。
The original statement of the conjecture from Friedman (1999) is: Every theorem published in the Annals of Mathematics whose statement involves only finitary mathematical objects (i.e., what logicians call an arithmetical statement) can be proved in EFA.
Friedman (1999)にあるように本来の予想の主張は次のようである: Annals of Mathematicsにおいて出版されており、有限的な数学的対象だけを扱うような(すなわちロジシャンのいうところの算術的言明)、いかなる定理もEFAにおいて証明可能である。
These results are important because the use of memory-based approaches to solve problems is known to predict later achievement in mathematics, and children with dyscalculia (a specific developmental disorder that affects arithmetical ability) do not fully transition to memory-based strategies even as they grow older.
Glucose concentration is determined by causing given infrared light to be incident on a sample, measuring the intensities of light having been reflected in the interior of the sample and light having passed through the sample and carrying out arithmetical operation of the measured light intensities.
The arithmetical unit comprises criterial image data storing means for storing image data by blackbody radiation under criterial condition within the housing as criterial image data; and temperature computing means for determining the temperature within the housing by comparing any image data with the criterial image data.
The middle section of the Expression Builder displays buttons for inserting common arithmetical and logical operators into your expression. To insert an operator in the expression box, click the appropriate button. To display a longer list of operators that you can use in expressions, click the Operators folder in the lower-left column, and then click the category that you want in the middle column. The right column then lists all of the operators in the selected insert an operator, double-click the operator, or select it and then click Paste.
式ビルダの中央のセクションには、使用頻度の高い算術演算子や論理演算子を式に挿入するためのボタンが表示されます。式ボックスに演算子を挿入するには、対応するボタンをクリックします。式に使用できる演算子をすべて表示するには、左下の列の [演算子] フォルダをクリックし、中央の列で目的のカテゴリをクリックします。右側の列に、選択されたカテゴリに該当するすべての演算子が表示されます。目的の演算子をダブルクリックするか、演算子を選択して [貼り付け] をクリックすると、対応する演算子が挿入されます。
An information processing device comprises one or a plurality of storage units the number of which is changeable, an arithmetical unit for performing information processing with the one or plurality of storage units, a plurality of power supply units for supplying power to the one or plurality of storage units, means for detecting the number of the one or plurality of storage units, and means for determining the number of power supply units to be actually operated out of the plurality of power supply units according to the detected number of the one or plurality of storage units.