



【ストライキに反対する、または防止することを意図している (= 労働条件、賃金水準、または失業について雇用主との議論のために労働者が働くことを拒否する期間) 】意味として使われています。


He was jailed twice for defying antistrike laws.
彼は、反ストライキ法に違反したとして 2 度投獄されました。
An anti-strike petition has been signed by 150 actors.
ストライキ反対の嘆願書には 150 人の俳優が署名しました。
【英単語】anti-strikeを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1




anti strikeの実際の意味・ニュアンスを理解して、正しく使いましょう!

Mainly effective for anti-ground strikes, suffered from poor accuracy; however, it can be fired from a shallow depth similar to the anti-ground submarine missiles of today.
Also according to Asharq Al-Awsat, a signal of the existence of an agreement with the US would be the absence of criticism by the Libyan national army on the US anti-terrorist air strike carried out last Saturday in southern Libya.
Facing terrorists or anti-terrorists on the battlefield of Modern Strike Online.
Their anti-CPE campaigns spread around the country, get united with workers’ movements and developed into strikes and demonstrations involving several million protesters.
The carrier’s aircraft conducted anti-submarine patrols, provided fighter support for other ships, and carried out strikes against shipping and shore targets.
With growing Chinese anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) capabilities, both ground-based and sea-based allied strike assets could be neutralized quickly if China launches a full-scale strike.
In other words, the government is going to throw away the principle of ‘defense’ with the excuse of anti-terrorism and carry out a preemptive strike sending the Self-Defense Forces at any time and anywhere.
Successive Japanese governments may be said to have pursued a security policy that has sought to strike a delicate balance between maintaining relations with the U.S. and domestic anti-war/anti-military sentiment in Japan.
Tactical air strikes and artillery preparations would neutralize the estimated 170 to 200 anti-aircraft artillery weapons believed to be in the area, and the threat posed by PAVN armored units was considered minimal.
Tokyo- (PanOrient News) A group of Japanese anti-nuclear activists pledged today to continue their chain hunger strike aimed at pressuring their government to quit its plan to restart nuclear reactors.At a news conference held in the open air at their No-Nuke tent on the side walk facing Japan’s Ministry of Industry building in Tokyo, the protestors said they want people in and outside Japan to know about their movement against nuclear power.
Tungsten alloy head shrapnel is anti-personnel artillery munitions which carried a large number of individual bullets close to the target and then ejected them to allow head shrapnel to continue along the shell’s trajectory and strike the target individually.
A pressman of the Mainichi paper, who was on the scene in spite of a heavy rain, wrote an article titled “true faces of the Anti-war Labor Youth Committee disclosed!”, in which he described the struggle as the “strike in barricade”, making the strike famous nation wide.
It had recently carried its Trade Disputes Bill to prevent ‘lightning’ strikes and lockouts; and the Communists, declaring that the rights of labour had been violated, set themselves to organise an anti-Government demonstration which was to reach its climax in a general strike– throughout the Province on November 7…
一、当館は君達の占有物ではない 日本商社の存在することを忘れるな 一、当館玄関を北京流壁新聞化 することに断呼反対する 一、青白い紅衛兵気取と馬鹿げた 君達の言論を即時中止せよ 一、当館でのあらゆる非合法活動 の行はざることを望む 日本商社運合 日ソ友好協会 というものです。
From the founding of the Group Medvedkin and the documenting of strikes and demonstrations, to the interviewing of Chile’s Salvador Allende, to the criticism of mass media news broadcasts in a series of “anti-information magazines,” Marker’s work in the 1960s and 1970s all supports some form of anti-authoritarian struggle.
The schools’ perceived connection to Japan and support for labor movements, including the 1909 and 1920 strikes against the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association, exposed fault lines of religion and class within the Japanese American community, and fed growing anti-Japanese sentiment from the larger public.
For example, when a U.S. carrier battle group, a core of the U.S. strike power, is deployed for the defense of Japan, the SDF can provide the anti-submarine warfare and mine-sweeping capabilities that the United States lacks in the region.
Dmitri Peskvov, spokesman for the Kremlin, in the aftermath of the protest action he saw saw thousands of people mobilized in different cities for a symbolic strike of voters (organized by Navalny) declared that Vladimir Putin is the leader of the ‘Political Olympus’ and is in no way afraid of Aleksey Navalny, the anti-corruption blogger and opposition figure […]
The strike was declared illegal under the recently introduced Ley 30, nicknamed the “Chorizo (sausage) Law” because it stuffs together into a single package anti-democratic measures including legalizing the permanent replacement of strikers, abolishing the union dues checkoff and eliminating environmental impact assessments on construction projects deemed to be ‘socially useful’.
Bolton, as he confessed himself, played a “hammer” to “shatter” the 1994 DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework, and he is well-known as an anti-DPRK “war maniac” who fabricated various provocative policies such as designation of our country as “axis of evil”, preemptive strike and regime change.
Kim was part of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army led by the Communist Party of China, of which he was a member, but this history was later replaced with his unverifiable claim to have led a “Korean People’s Revolutionary Army” (Chosŏn inmin hyŏngmyŏnggun), the details of which strike a similarity to the Northeast Anti-Japanese People’s Revolutionary Army which was led by a Chinese.

