英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
anorexic | 拒食症の | (suffering from anorexia) |
食欲不振の | ||
anorexic | 拒食症の人 | (person with anorexia) |
Mari is a therapist who specializes in treating anorexics. | ||
マリは拒食症の治療を専門とするセラピストです。 |
Tom became anorexic when he was in high school.
The number of anorexic high school girls practicing extreme dietary restrictions is increasing.
Pagani Has got 132 kilos lower of the Huayra, a car already yes “anorexic“, that feeds on aluminum Y fiber from carbon mainly.
パガーニ 彼が達成しています 132キロ下 インクルード Huayra, A 車 既に はい ”拒食症“、 それは上のフィード アルミ と 繊維 の カーボン 主に。
In preparation for her role in Welcome to the Quiet Room (2007), where she played an anorexic girl in a women’s-only mental hospital, she went on a drastic diet, losing seven kilograms to inhabit the skin of her character.
Or was anorexic.
Give an anorexic an appetite.
バーガー店が 一番楽しい
It is strange, because I thought that you were anorexic.
皆 そう思ってるわよ
It’s my anorexic boss’ birthday.
At that time Boone was a recovered anorexic and former patient.
It is strange, because I thought that you were anorexic.
ジャンクフードだって食べるのよ 皆に信じられないって言われる
It’s my anorexic boss’ birthday.
One day, his brother collapsed on the way to school, and he himself became anorexic.
But when the small group is teenage girls who want to stay anorexic by choice, then we’re horrified.
しかし自ら拒食症になろうとする ティーンの女の子たちにはショックを受けます
Freshly imported turtles are often dehydrated, anorexic, suffering from heavy parasite loads and may harbor internal bacterial infections.
Colette’s account has led some to call Vivien an anorexic but this diagnosis did not yet exist at the time.
“Kelly, you are an anorexic.”
ケリー 拒食症なの?って
And indeed, the popular press loves headlines like, “Anorexic brains are wired differently,” or “Autistic brains are wired differently.”
大衆雑誌が好む見出しは 配線の間違いで拒食症にとか 配線の間違いで自閉症にというものです
These are groups of teenage girls who have taken on Web logs, bulletin boards, other kinds of cooperative infrastructure, and have used it to set up support groups for remaining anorexic by choice.
これはティーンの女の子のグループで ブログや掲示板やその他の 協力のインフラで活動しており 自らの意志で拒食症になろうとする人の 支援グループを そこに作り上げています
When I was a teenager, all the girls wanted to be so skinny, anorexic and so on, I’ve been through that, so we decided to use it as a modern thing attached to Olga.
My dad was an anorexic.