






The lifeblood of the nation has become anaemic , undermining its credibility at home and abroad.
In the absence of phenylhydrazine, egg production was reduced by 70% in the anaemic recipients.
フェニルヒドラジンが存在しない場合、貧血レシピエントの産卵数は 70% 減少しました。
Obstetric haemorrhage may be life threatening at a lower estimated blood loss in a woman who is already anaemic , as in many developing countries.
It is particularly striking that the effect of issue ownership is so anaemic .
There are several lines of evidence suggesting a subgroup of women are anaemic during pregnancy due to the in-uence of chronic in-ammation on iron metabolism.
They have modified the incentives shaping the political process and reconfigured the balance of power between an omnipotent ruling party and what was until then an anaemic opposition.
Economic crises, high inflation, the anti-statist fury of some economic adjustment programmes, the consequences of pervasive corruption and clientelism – all these have concurred to generating an anaemic state.
経済危機、高インフレ、一部の経済調整プログラムによる反国家主義者の怒り、蔓延する腐敗と顧客主義の結果 – これらすべてが貧血状態を生み出すことに同意しています。
Using these values it was found that of the 65 children between the ages of 0-5 and 9-0 years, 30 were anaemic (incidence 46-1 %).
これらの値を使用して、0 ~ 5 歳から 9 ~ 0 歳までの 65 人の子供のうち、30 人が貧血であることがわかりました (発生率 46 ~ 1%)。





英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
anemic (US),
anaemic (UK)
貧血症の (suffering from anaemia) ( 医学 )
anemic (US),
anaemic (UK)
無気力な、元気のない figurative (feeble)


For the anaemic syndrome is characterized by weakness, dizziness, breathlessness, paleness of the skin and mucous membranes, tachycardia, expanding the boundaries of the heart, gluhost’ heart tones, systolic murmur at the apex.
貧血症候群の脱力が特徴です。 , 目まい, 息切れ, 皮膚や粘膜の蒼白, 頻脈, 心の境界を拡大してください。 , gluhost` 心臓の音, 頂点に収縮期雑音.
Iron supplementation currently is given routinely to anaemic children in most of the developing countries where there also are high rates of HIV infection, and no obvious adverse effects have been observed.
This is why nobody has ever thought about Santa Claus as a thin person – as thin people often are anaemic and unsatisfied .
Approximately one-third of the included studies did not provide a funding source.The findings show that women receiving intermittent supplementation with iron alone, or in combination with folic acid or other nutrients, were less likely to be anaemic than those women who received no iron supplements or a placebo.
Over the past few years an anaemic economy in Japan has engendered feeble politics, which in turn weakens the economy further.
Meanwhile, growth remains anaemic, with weak demand and deflation in many parts of the developed world.
This is a major cause of women dying in low-income countries where women are more likely to be poorly nourished, anaemic and have infectious diseases.
The cells were then transferred into anaemic mouse models of kidney disease. The treatment succeeded in inducing EPO expression and increasing red blood cell production in the mice for up to 20 weeks.
When it was cooking, I had to take a whole book of photos and as for child education, I had to even take the atmosphere of the birth, but I felt really anaemic and ended up fainting.
While the quality of the evidence was assessed as low or very low, intermittent may be a feasible alternative to daily iron supplementation among those pregnant women who are not anaemic and have adequate antenatal care.
In such cases, it is necessary to carry out the correction of water-salt balance, azotemii, the alignment of the acid-base status, treatment of hypertension, hemorrhagic and anaemic syndromes, maintenance of cardiac activity.Important components of the therapy become low protein diet (20-60 g of protein per day), limitation of physical activity, monitoring of dietary sodium, an adequate intake of fluids under the supervision of the daily diureza.
治療の重要なコンポーネントになる低蛋白食 (20-60 1 日あたりの蛋白質のグラム), 身体活動の制限, 食塩の監視, 毎日 diureza の監督の下で水分の十分な摂取. 良い効果は、薬物の使用によって達成されます。
This is up from the anaemic 3.5% recorded in 2017 but a far cry from India’s potential growth and below that of other regional peers, such as China’, explained Carlos Casanova, Coface’s Economist for the Asia Pacific Region.
これは、2017年の3.5%と比べると回復していますが、インドの成長ポテンシャルにははるかに及ばず、中国など他の地域の新興経済各国と比べても低い水準にとどまっていますと、コファスのアジア太平洋地域担当エコノミストの Carlos Casanovaは言う。

