和訳:【仰天すること, 驚嘆】
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
amazement | 驚愕、驚き、仰天、びっくり | (astonishment) |
We looked at her in amazement as she recited the essay from memory. | ||
論文を暗唱する彼女は驚きの目で見た。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
in amazement | びっくりして、あぜんとして | (with astonishment) |
When I told my wife the news she just stared at me in amazement. | ||
そのニュースを妻に話したとき、彼女はただ驚いて私を見つめた. |
He was filled with shaking amazement.
Everything inside the temple left me full of, amazement and joy.
ワオ! 神社の中にあるすべてのものたちが 私に驚きと喜びをくれました。
that I entered this state of pure, unprejudiced amazement.
次に 私は純粋で先入観のない 驚愕の状態に入ったのです
I was completely overwhelmed with amazement to learn some of the fantastic beliefs of modern Christians.
Though obvious to the populace watching in amazement where the Sun is found these days, the Earth wobble is not something allowed into print.
They stared at her swimming suit in amazement.
Also Common friends are displayed, which always causes amazement.
Another reason is their pure amazement and respect for nature’s technologies.
I sat quietly and listened in amazement at my desk.
In heaven (or hell?), Sid is probably chuckling to himself with amazement.
I could call this dish’s soup with sardines at sea’. But let’s go with order: to my amazement and obvious joy I found, during an outing in the countryside of Rieti, the wild fennel.
海でイワシのこの料理のスープを呼び出すことができます `. しかし、注文を行ってみましょう: 私の驚きと明白な喜びを見つけた, Rieti の田舎で外出中に, 野生のフェンネル.
The steampunk counterparts of Phineas and Ferb leave the fair in amazement.
Much to my amazement they all totally got it, and began quietly planning their masterpieces.
My amazement, sometimes hesitant, but still invited him to go into the details upstairs.
“Why?”, he wondered in some amazement, and asked one of his oldest customers.
なぜだ? 彼はある種の驚きを持って悩んだ。そして最も古くからの常連の一人に尋ねた。
“Why?”, he wondered in some amazement, and asked one of his oldest customers.
なぜだ? 彼はある種の驚きを持って悩んだ。
The finale defies logic, gives new insight into the problem, and audiences express their amazement with laughter.
結末は 論理を裏切り 問題の新たな見方を与え 観客は笑いによって 驚きを表すのです
Then, let your diaphragm miss all the air from your lungs by inhaling through your mouth as if with amazement, then exhale through your mouth a few times, haciendo and and and, until you feel that there is no air in your lungs. This will make you feel like you’ve thrown your stomach to your spine.
私たちは息をしながら、, すべての空気を交換して肺に留まりません. その後, あなたのダイヤフラムが驚きであるかのようにあなたの口から吸い込むことによって、あなたの肺からすべての空気を欠場しましょう, その後数回は、あなたの口から息を吐く, haciendoととや, あなたの肺の中の空気が存在しないことを感じるまで. これは、あなたの背骨にあなたの胃を投げてきたように感じるようになります.
JAPAN wants to bring this “amazement” to the world through these kinds of Japanese items, our online select shop was born.
JAPANは、そんな日本のモノを通じて世界中の人に驚きをお届けしたい、 という思いから生まれたオンラインセレクトショップです。
These events allow you to venture into places inaccessible by road and to experience the friendliness and amazement of the locals.