Also, as well, tooの違い・使い分けについて詳しく説明
Also, as well too 副詞 と は ‘ さらに ‘ を 意味 する .
Also 、書き言葉ではよく使われますが、話し言葉ではあまり一般的ではありません。 Also 、文の中で異なる位置を占めます。
次の内容を強調したり、新しいポイントやトピックを追加したりするために、前の位置で also 使用します。
It’s very humid. Also , you can easily get sunburnt.
OK, I’ll phone you next week and we can discuss it then. Also , we need to decide who will be going to Singapore.
also 、副詞の通常の中間位置、主語と主動詞の間、法助動詞または最初の助動詞の後、または主動詞として be の後に使用します。この位置では、 also の意味は通常、前に来る節全体に戻ります。
She works very hard but she also goes to the gym every week.
I’ve been working in the garden this week, and I ‘ve also been reading a lot.
終了位置で also 、通常は 2 つのフレーズを接続します。特にスピーチでは、終了位置で also の代わりに as well and too を使用します。
She contacted him in the office but he didn’t answer the phone. His mobile phone was silent also . (または His mobile phone was silent し too いた.または… was silent as well .)
As well
As well に 書くことより also 話すことの方がはるかに一般的であり、.
As well に、ほとんどの場合、最終位置に来ます:
A:I’ll have steak please ます。
B:Yes 。
A:And I’ll have the mixed vegetables as well
私たちは通常 too 終了位置に置く:
Gill’s having chicken. I’ll probably have chicken too .
She looks really tired and she must be really hungry too .
主語に直接言及している場合、 Too は主語の直後に使用できます。通常、モーダル動詞または補助動詞の後には発生しません。前後にコンマを書くこともあり too :
I too thought she looked unwell.
We, too , have been very pleased to receive the prize on her behalf.
ない: We have too been very pleased ます …
Too は特に、おねがいをするなどの決まった表現への応答や、単一の目的語の代名詞で構成される応答でよく使用されます。
A:Enjoy the play 。
B:Thanks. You enjoy your evening あなた too Thanks. You enjoy your evening 。 (あなたも You enjoy your evening as well 楽しんでください。または You also enjoy your evening 。)
A:I need to go to the gym ます。
B:Yeah, me too 。 ( Yeah, me も」または「 Yeah, me 、私 also 」より優先さ as well 。)
命令節では、 as well と too は通常 also 優先されます。
Give me a book of ten first and a book of ten second as well then please. (よろしければ… and a book of ten second also then please 。)
not also 、 as well または too to の either を使用します 2 つの否定的な考えを結び付ける:
Bill’s not here. I do n’t think Dave is either , is he?
Not: I don’t think Dave is also/as well/too 。
A:That’s not in paperback yet. It’s been in any book clubs either 入ってい not ん in paperback yet. It’s has it?
B:No 。
Not: It’s not been in any book clubs also/as well/too, has it?
Also, as well に : too 的なエラー
私たち as well 使いません で の始まり 句。 As well に、通常は句の終わりに来ます。
I just ignored it. I think everybody else did as well .
Not: As well I think everybody else did 。