

「air traffic controller」の意味(noun)





読み方は【ˌeə ˌtræf·ɪk kənˈtrəʊ·lə】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌeə ˌtræf·ɪk kənˈtrəʊ·ləを大声で発音しましょう


air traffic controllerの実際の意味・ニュアンス(航空管制官?航空交通管制官?こうくうかんせいかん?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

An air traffic controller is an extremely high pressure job.
This is our air traffic controller calling it in to Kigali International Airport.
これは航空管制官が キガリ国際空港に 連絡しているところです
They name the pilot and the air traffic controller in charge!
Anyone not cooperating with their story (such as Carlos the Spanish air traffic controller who released tweets during the incident) has been killed.
In the control tower the air traffic controller, L.D. Jensen, viewed the object through binoculars but could see no form or shape around the light.
この点までに物体はファーゴ空港上空を飛行していて、管制塔では航空管制官L.D.ジェンセン (L.D. Jensen) が双眼鏡で物体を見たが、しかし光の周囲に形は見えなかった。
Air traffic controller Anna Petrenko, based in Dnepropetrovsk, was in charge of the Malaysian Airlines flight at the time of the crash, and she has vanished to the same location.
ドネプロペドロヴスクに配備されていた航空交通管制官アンナ・ペトレンコは、墜落のときにマレーシア航空定期便を担当しており、彼女は、 同じ場所で消えています。
Finally, Recently the newspaper “Day” published the testimony of an air traffic controller: “The sightings were reported at the highest level; I know that many ministers and even a former President of the Republic have admitted to seeing UFOs”.
最後に, 最近新聞 ”日” 航空管制官の証言を公開: ”目撃情報は、最高レベルで報告された; 私は多くの閣僚も共和国の元大統領がUFOを見に認めていることを知っている”.
What is known is what US satellites saw, what a Spanish air traffic controller working in Kiev saw being reported, what eye witnesses on the ground saw, the date on a recording claimed to be of a rebel conversation, and the fact that the Ukraine was having difficulty suppressing the rebellion on those in southeastern Ukraine.
At present the Academy provides training on the following specialities: Aircraft Flight operation (commercial pilot for single engine aircraft, commercial pilot for multi engine aircraft), Aircraft Production, Technical Maintenance and Repair (technical diagnostic and non-destructive methods of monitoring, flight engineer), Air Traffic Servicing (air traffic controller, air navigation information and flight planning officer, computer flight servicing officer, emergency servicing and flight safety officer).
現時点ではアカデミーは、以下の名物にトレーニングを提供しています: 航空機の飛行操作 (単一エンジンの航空機のコマーシャルパイロット, マルチエンジン航空機のコマーシャルパイロット), 航空機生産, 技術的なメンテナンスと修理 (モニタリングの技術的な診断や非破壊方法, フライトエンジニア), 航空交通サービ (航空管制官, 空気のナビゲーション情報と飛行計画官, コンピュータの飛行サービス官, 緊急サービスと飛行安全担当官). ザ・ ウクライナの国家フライトアカデミー 新しい経済の形成に住んでの多くの困難を経て、今はウクライナの1回の飛行教育の確立と、21世紀の世界レベルの中心でもあります航空人材育成.
After receiving clearance from the air traffic controller, the aircraft takes off.
At one time, the air traffic controller forgot about our airplane, but we made it in one piece.
However, if the air traffic controller gives me a Special VFR clearance, I can fly in 1 mile visibility and stay clear of cloud.
ただし、管制官がSpecial VFRの許可を出した場合は、視界1マイル、雲に入らないという条件に緩和される。
Then join the traffic pattern as directed by the air traffic controller, and turn and descend to the runway.
The aircraft is permitted to taxi to the runway only after the air traffic controller clears the aircraft for departure.
In addition to pilot error, the air traffic controller was blamed for failing to keep Flight 365 and the Dragonair 737 adequately separated.
パイロットエラーに加え、365便と香港ドラゴン航空のボーイング737の間に十分な間隔を開けおかなかった管制官にも責任があるとされた 。
All data including flight plan, radar data and ATC recordings as well as transcripts of interviews with the air traffic controller have been handed to Indonesia’s NTSC.
またすでにフライトプラン、レーダーデータ、ATC記録、管制官へのインタビューの写しを含む全てのデータは、インドネシア国家運輸安全委員会 (NTSC)に引き渡されています。
According to the report, this incident was caused by the air traffic controller who had momentarily forgotten about the other aircraft.
In a later interview, the air traffic controller on duty claimed that the SkyWest Airlines aircraft was initiating a 90-degree turn when the collision occurred.
The official investigation determined that during approach to Santa Maria Airport, the air traffic controller instructed the crew to descend to 3,000 feet (910 m) for an ILS approach to runway 19.
サンタマリア空港への最終進入中、管制官は操縦士に滑走路19へILSアプローチするために3,000フィート (910m) へ降下するように指示した。
And, due to the radar coverage, Air Traffic Controller (ATC) will hand me off to the next controller when I come to the edge of the covered area.

「air traffic controller」の意味(noun)





読み方は【ˌeə ˌtræf·ɪk kənˈtrəʊ·lə】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌeə ˌtræf·ɪk kənˈtrəʊ·ləを大声で発音しましょう


air traffic controllerの実際の意味・ニュアンス(航空管制官?航空交通管制官?こうくうかんせいかん?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

An air traffic controller is an extremely high pressure job.
This is our air traffic controller calling it in to Kigali International Airport.
これは航空管制官が キガリ国際空港に 連絡しているところです
They name the pilot and the air traffic controller in charge!
Anyone not cooperating with their story (such as Carlos the Spanish air traffic controller who released tweets during the incident) has been killed.
In the control tower the air traffic controller, L.D. Jensen, viewed the object through binoculars but could see no form or shape around the light.
この点までに物体はファーゴ空港上空を飛行していて、管制塔では航空管制官L.D.ジェンセン (L.D. Jensen) が双眼鏡で物体を見たが、しかし光の周囲に形は見えなかった。
Air traffic controller Anna Petrenko, based in Dnepropetrovsk, was in charge of the Malaysian Airlines flight at the time of the crash, and she has vanished to the same location.
ドネプロペドロヴスクに配備されていた航空交通管制官アンナ・ペトレンコは、墜落のときにマレーシア航空定期便を担当しており、彼女は、 同じ場所で消えています。
Finally, Recently the newspaper “Day” published the testimony of an air traffic controller: “The sightings were reported at the highest level; I know that many ministers and even a former President of the Republic have admitted to seeing UFOs”.
最後に, 最近新聞 ”日” 航空管制官の証言を公開: ”目撃情報は、最高レベルで報告された; 私は多くの閣僚も共和国の元大統領がUFOを見に認めていることを知っている”.
What is known is what US satellites saw, what a Spanish air traffic controller working in Kiev saw being reported, what eye witnesses on the ground saw, the date on a recording claimed to be of a rebel conversation, and the fact that the Ukraine was having difficulty suppressing the rebellion on those in southeastern Ukraine.
At present the Academy provides training on the following specialities: Aircraft Flight operation (commercial pilot for single engine aircraft, commercial pilot for multi engine aircraft), Aircraft Production, Technical Maintenance and Repair (technical diagnostic and non-destructive methods of monitoring, flight engineer), Air Traffic Servicing (air traffic controller, air navigation information and flight planning officer, computer flight servicing officer, emergency servicing and flight safety officer).
現時点ではアカデミーは、以下の名物にトレーニングを提供しています: 航空機の飛行操作 (単一エンジンの航空機のコマーシャルパイロット, マルチエンジン航空機のコマーシャルパイロット), 航空機生産, 技術的なメンテナンスと修理 (モニタリングの技術的な診断や非破壊方法, フライトエンジニア), 航空交通サービ (航空管制官, 空気のナビゲーション情報と飛行計画官, コンピュータの飛行サービス官, 緊急サービスと飛行安全担当官). ザ・ ウクライナの国家フライトアカデミー 新しい経済の形成に住んでの多くの困難を経て、今はウクライナの1回の飛行教育の確立と、21世紀の世界レベルの中心でもあります航空人材育成.
After receiving clearance from the air traffic controller, the aircraft takes off.
At one time, the air traffic controller forgot about our airplane, but we made it in one piece.
However, if the air traffic controller gives me a Special VFR clearance, I can fly in 1 mile visibility and stay clear of cloud.
ただし、管制官がSpecial VFRの許可を出した場合は、視界1マイル、雲に入らないという条件に緩和される。
Then join the traffic pattern as directed by the air traffic controller, and turn and descend to the runway.
The aircraft is permitted to taxi to the runway only after the air traffic controller clears the aircraft for departure.
In addition to pilot error, the air traffic controller was blamed for failing to keep Flight 365 and the Dragonair 737 adequately separated.
パイロットエラーに加え、365便と香港ドラゴン航空のボーイング737の間に十分な間隔を開けおかなかった管制官にも責任があるとされた 。
All data including flight plan, radar data and ATC recordings as well as transcripts of interviews with the air traffic controller have been handed to Indonesia’s NTSC.
またすでにフライトプラン、レーダーデータ、ATC記録、管制官へのインタビューの写しを含む全てのデータは、インドネシア国家運輸安全委員会 (NTSC)に引き渡されています。
According to the report, this incident was caused by the air traffic controller who had momentarily forgotten about the other aircraft.
In a later interview, the air traffic controller on duty claimed that the SkyWest Airlines aircraft was initiating a 90-degree turn when the collision occurred.
The official investigation determined that during approach to Santa Maria Airport, the air traffic controller instructed the crew to descend to 3,000 feet (910 m) for an ILS approach to runway 19.
サンタマリア空港への最終進入中、管制官は操縦士に滑走路19へILSアプローチするために3,000フィート (910m) へ降下するように指示した。
And, due to the radar coverage, Air Traffic Controller (ATC) will hand me off to the next controller when I come to the edge of the covered area.

