

「air freshener」の意味(noun)




参考:「air freshener」の例文一覧

She always wears a pink flower on top of her head and a pine scent car air freshener or deodorizer around her neck.
There are many different methods and brands of air freshener .
After distillation, the end product is a liquid air freshener with a natural aroma of herbs.
air-freshenerを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
This type of product became the industry standard and air freshener sales experienced tremendous growth.
To keep the air fresh, especially during rush hours each bus is equipped with automatic air freshener dispensers which periodically spray car fragrance.
An air sanitizer is not an air freshener which add fragrance to the air and do not claim to act on microbiological organisms.
air-freshenerを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
The first modern air freshener was introduced in 1948.
最初の近代的な芳香剤は1948 年に導入されました。
The autographed edition also came with a limited edition air freshener .


読み方は【ˈeə ˌfreʃ·ə·nər】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈeə ˌfreʃ·ə·nərを大声で発音しましょう


「air freshener」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • cleanser
  • cosmetic
  • disinfectant
  • antiperspirant
  • fumigant
  • fumigator
  • deodorizer
  • smokescreen

air freshenerの実際の意味・ニュアンス(芳香剤?エアフレッシュナー?空気清浄剤?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

We spotted a blue air freshener in a car not far away, so that decided it.
So I told them, “I’d like to start an air freshener company.”
それでこう言ったんです 芳香剤の会社を始めたいんですが
Daily chemical products:such as washing powder, liquid soap, toothpaste, hand soap, paper soap, soap, body wash, shampoo and hair care products, facial cleanser, air freshener, luggage, etc. 6. Daily hardware:such as wrenches, pliers, steel tape, hand saw, hammer, file, knife, knife, level, leather tape, cap, screw, lock.In addition, we also sell a variety of sewing tools such as small sewing machines, needles and threads.
毎日の化学製品:など粉末洗剤、液体石鹸、練り歯磨き、ハンドソープ、紙石鹸、石鹸、ボディウォッシュ、シャンプー及びヘアケア製品、洗顔料、エアフレッシュナー、荷物等 6.デイリーウェア:なレンチ、ペンチ、スチールテープ、手のこぎり、ハンマー、ファイル、ナイフ、ナイフ、レベル、革テープ、キャップ、ネジ、lock.In加算として、我々はまた、このような小さななど縫製のさまざまなツールを販売しますミシン、針と糸。
Making air fresheners: Dilute essential oils in a spray bottle for use as an air freshener. [Br] 4.
エアーフレッシュナーを作る:エアフレッシュナーとして使用するためのスプレーボトルにエッセンシャルオイルを希釈を 4。 。
Provided is an air freshener composition which contains a fragrance material and a solvent that is not a volatile organic compound (VOC), and which still has volatility similar to those of conventional products containing a VOC, while being not subjected to VOC regulation.
Raw material sources: U.S.A., Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, South Africa, etc.Mainly used in food products such as beverage, confectionery, as well as fragrance products, shampoo, air freshener, detergent and so on.
Use an air freshener for a more pleasant effect.
If you want to make at once several DIY air freshener, you can freeze them for at least a week.
You’ll need to replace the air freshener after a couple of months.
Daily products that will meet your needs also can be found here such as Australian soap, original skin cream, air freshener and more.
You have your choice of either a Single Room or a Semi-Double room which both come with free Wi-Fi, slippers, night dresses, electric water heater, and an air freshener.
Each room is equipped with the essentials; shampoo, conditioner, body soap, pyjamas, air freshener, and Brew Tea Co. loose leaf tea.
シャンプー・コンディショナー・ボディソープ・パジャマ・消臭スプレー・Brew Tea Co.のリーフティー。
By combining various fruits and spices that can be found in every kitchen, is freshening and pleasant scents can be easily and quickly homemade recipes for fresh fragrant Lufterfrischener Have you ever tried an air freshener or room spray yourself to do?
新鮮な香りLufterfrischenerのための簡単な自家製のレシピ あなたは今まで空気清浄または室内行うために自分自身をスプレーを試してみましたか?
An air freshener composition which contains a fragrance material and at least one solvent that is selected from among 3-hydroxy-3-methyl butyl acetate and 3-acetoxy-3-methyl butyl acetate.
I quite like the aroma of lemon myrtle and use the oil in an aroma oil diffuser, I use soap made from the essential oil, and I use a lemon myrtle air freshener.
Nishimura has mainly produced sculptural works using short-standing materials that go away along with consumption, such as bathwater additives and carpet cleaners.Focusing on the themes of “weathering” and “sublimation,” the exhibition features a three-dimensional work “Monument” that uses air freshener gel shaped in the form of Monument Valley in the United States.
Air freshener – simply homemade!
空気清浄剤 - 単に自家製!
| Nol JOHNS BLEND Air Freshener Red Wine
| ノル ジョンズブレンド エアーフレッシュナーレッドワイン
Air freshener Because rice absorbs the moisture from a room, it simultaneously works as an air freshener as well.
芳香剤 お米が部屋の中の湿気を吸い取る為、お米は同時に消臭剤としての機能も果たします。
So easy you will make your new DIY air freshener home.air freshener – house made of lemon, peppercorns and basil Air fresheners and Raumspry selbermachen of lime, fresh thyme, mint and vanilla DIY air freshener from limes, fresh thyme, mint and vanilla: For these natural air freshener you need to mix a pair of lime slices with chopped fresh thyme and mint and a teaspoon of vanilla extract in a vessel and fill the rest of it with fresheners from oranges and vanilla – easy homemade!
だから、簡単に、あなたの新しいDIYエアフレッシュナーの家を行います。 空気清浄 -レモン、コショウの実とバジルで作られた家 エアーフレッシュナーとライム、フレッシュタイム、ミントとバニラのRaumspryのselbermachen ライム、フレッシュタイム、ミントとバニラからDIY空気清浄: これらの自然の空気清浄のためには、容器に刻んだフレッシュタイムとミントとバニラエッセンス小さじとライムスライスのペアをミックスし、水での残りの部分を埋めるために必要があります。

「air freshener」の意味(noun)




参考:「air freshener」の例文一覧

She always wears a pink flower on top of her head and a pine scent car air freshener or deodorizer around her neck.
There are many different methods and brands of air freshener .
After distillation, the end product is a liquid air freshener with a natural aroma of herbs.
air-freshenerを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
This type of product became the industry standard and air freshener sales experienced tremendous growth.
To keep the air fresh, especially during rush hours each bus is equipped with automatic air freshener dispensers which periodically spray car fragrance.
An air sanitizer is not an air freshener which add fragrance to the air and do not claim to act on microbiological organisms.
air-freshenerを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
The first modern air freshener was introduced in 1948.
最初の近代的な芳香剤は1948 年に導入されました。
The autographed edition also came with a limited edition air freshener .


読み方は【ˈeə ˌfreʃ·ə·nər】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈeə ˌfreʃ·ə·nərを大声で発音しましょう


「air freshener」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • cleanser
  • cosmetic
  • disinfectant
  • antiperspirant
  • fumigant
  • fumigator
  • deodorizer
  • smokescreen

air freshenerの実際の意味・ニュアンス(芳香剤?エアフレッシュナー?空気清浄剤?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

We spotted a blue air freshener in a car not far away, so that decided it.
So I told them, “I’d like to start an air freshener company.”
それでこう言ったんです 芳香剤の会社を始めたいんですが
Daily chemical products:such as washing powder, liquid soap, toothpaste, hand soap, paper soap, soap, body wash, shampoo and hair care products, facial cleanser, air freshener, luggage, etc. 6. Daily hardware:such as wrenches, pliers, steel tape, hand saw, hammer, file, knife, knife, level, leather tape, cap, screw, lock.In addition, we also sell a variety of sewing tools such as small sewing machines, needles and threads.
毎日の化学製品:など粉末洗剤、液体石鹸、練り歯磨き、ハンドソープ、紙石鹸、石鹸、ボディウォッシュ、シャンプー及びヘアケア製品、洗顔料、エアフレッシュナー、荷物等 6.デイリーウェア:なレンチ、ペンチ、スチールテープ、手のこぎり、ハンマー、ファイル、ナイフ、ナイフ、レベル、革テープ、キャップ、ネジ、lock.In加算として、我々はまた、このような小さななど縫製のさまざまなツールを販売しますミシン、針と糸。
Making air fresheners: Dilute essential oils in a spray bottle for use as an air freshener. [Br] 4.
エアーフレッシュナーを作る:エアフレッシュナーとして使用するためのスプレーボトルにエッセンシャルオイルを希釈を 4。 。
Provided is an air freshener composition which contains a fragrance material and a solvent that is not a volatile organic compound (VOC), and which still has volatility similar to those of conventional products containing a VOC, while being not subjected to VOC regulation.
Raw material sources: U.S.A., Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, South Africa, etc.Mainly used in food products such as beverage, confectionery, as well as fragrance products, shampoo, air freshener, detergent and so on.
Use an air freshener for a more pleasant effect.
If you want to make at once several DIY air freshener, you can freeze them for at least a week.
You’ll need to replace the air freshener after a couple of months.
Daily products that will meet your needs also can be found here such as Australian soap, original skin cream, air freshener and more.
You have your choice of either a Single Room or a Semi-Double room which both come with free Wi-Fi, slippers, night dresses, electric water heater, and an air freshener.
Each room is equipped with the essentials; shampoo, conditioner, body soap, pyjamas, air freshener, and Brew Tea Co. loose leaf tea.
シャンプー・コンディショナー・ボディソープ・パジャマ・消臭スプレー・Brew Tea Co.のリーフティー。
By combining various fruits and spices that can be found in every kitchen, is freshening and pleasant scents can be easily and quickly homemade recipes for fresh fragrant Lufterfrischener Have you ever tried an air freshener or room spray yourself to do?
新鮮な香りLufterfrischenerのための簡単な自家製のレシピ あなたは今まで空気清浄または室内行うために自分自身をスプレーを試してみましたか?
An air freshener composition which contains a fragrance material and at least one solvent that is selected from among 3-hydroxy-3-methyl butyl acetate and 3-acetoxy-3-methyl butyl acetate.
I quite like the aroma of lemon myrtle and use the oil in an aroma oil diffuser, I use soap made from the essential oil, and I use a lemon myrtle air freshener.
Nishimura has mainly produced sculptural works using short-standing materials that go away along with consumption, such as bathwater additives and carpet cleaners.Focusing on the themes of “weathering” and “sublimation,” the exhibition features a three-dimensional work “Monument” that uses air freshener gel shaped in the form of Monument Valley in the United States.
Air freshener – simply homemade!
空気清浄剤 - 単に自家製!
| Nol JOHNS BLEND Air Freshener Red Wine
| ノル ジョンズブレンド エアーフレッシュナーレッドワイン
Air freshener Because rice absorbs the moisture from a room, it simultaneously works as an air freshener as well.
芳香剤 お米が部屋の中の湿気を吸い取る為、お米は同時に消臭剤としての機能も果たします。
So easy you will make your new DIY air freshener home.air freshener – house made of lemon, peppercorns and basil Air fresheners and Raumspry selbermachen of lime, fresh thyme, mint and vanilla DIY air freshener from limes, fresh thyme, mint and vanilla: For these natural air freshener you need to mix a pair of lime slices with chopped fresh thyme and mint and a teaspoon of vanilla extract in a vessel and fill the rest of it with fresheners from oranges and vanilla – easy homemade!
だから、簡単に、あなたの新しいDIYエアフレッシュナーの家を行います。 空気清浄 -レモン、コショウの実とバジルで作られた家 エアーフレッシュナーとライム、フレッシュタイム、ミントとバニラのRaumspryのselbermachen ライム、フレッシュタイム、ミントとバニラからDIY空気清浄: これらの自然の空気清浄のためには、容器に刻んだフレッシュタイムとミントとバニラエッセンス小さじとライムスライスのペアをミックスし、水での残りの部分を埋めるために必要があります。

