参考:「air dam」の例文一覧
「air dam」のネイティブ発音(読み方)を聞きましょう!
読み方は【eər* dæm*】です。下記動画を聞きながらeər* dæm*を大声で発音しましょう
【絶対聞こう】アメリカ人が「air dam」の意味について解説】!
air damの実際の意味・ニュアンス(エアダム)を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
Access to those switches requires a tool because they are recessed away from the air dam.
The difference is that in the 20f, all 4 of the extra ports, those along the top of the air dam, are front end ports.
Check the amber SP Fault LED located on the air dam of the SP.
This personality board is substituted for the existing personality board, together with the air dam pictured above, to accommodate the additional ports.
Air Dam for the CX3-80 and Other CX3 Series