和訳:【熱烈な, 愛情深い】
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
adoring | あがめる、崇敬する、夢中な | (who dote on, idolize [sb] ) |
The singer signed autographs for a crowd of adoring fans. | ||
その歌手は熱心なファンの群衆のためにサインをした. |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
adore | 拝む、礼拝する | (divine worship) |
Vivian, a devout Christian, adores God. | ||
敬虔なクリスチャンであるビビアンは神を崇拝しています。 |
Way of life: its all about breathing, adoring and amusement.
Thus the man will always pay attention to adoring the feminine principle in his lover, in any other woman, or in him.
And a few hours later, they’re playing to thousands of adoring fans.
数時間後に数千人の 熱狂的ファンの前で演奏します
Such is the adoring splendour of this luxurious locale, yet intimate enough for romantic exchanges of wedding vows.
And, of course… my adoring legion of fans!
I am adoring and seeking for such trait within myself, to tell you the truth.
As an adoring child, we center our attention on our Father’s holiness and magnificence.
People at ANU have been adoring the tree that Tessa planted for your memory.
And he is the adoring father of two daughters who are just as smart and determined as their parents.
また大統領は、両親と同じよう に聡明で意志の強い2人のお嬢さんの父親です。
Culturally and socially, we are still obsessed with identifying and adoring genius as if we were in the 19th century.
TM: Well really I do appreciate all the positive love and support I have received from the music community and from the adoring fans.
TM : そうだね。音楽を通して知り合った人々やファンからの愛に溢れたサポートに心から感謝している。
I am forever at your side, surrounding you with my love, I am your adoring Husband, Monty.
妻よ、 私はいつもおまえと一緒だ。 きみの憧れの夫モンティより。
But it’s mostly parties, celebrations, adoring fans to greet you at every stop along the way, and then we wrap it up in The Capitol.
パーティーに参加して ファンサービスをする キャピトルに向かって
The Behind-the-Scenes Tour lets you peek into dressing rooms that had been closed for 70 years, and to walk on the stage where famed musicians like Benny Goodman played to adoring fans.
The pairing of these old trees and even older buildings makes it one of the leading cherry blossom viewing spots in China, and is visited by droves of adoring tourists every year.
In some Japanese songs, one can feel a melancholic atmosphere which describes each season in detail and you cannot help adoring each of them.
Apple never releases any information until Jobs or another exec actually presents the product in front of the adoring multitudes, but there are a fair number of rumors floating around the tech universe that seem to be reasonably credible.
As a comedian who has brought laughter to adoring audiences all over the world, Pieter Post shares his unique perspective and philosophy in conversation with veteran Japanese/overseas street performance festival producer and longtime close friend, Takao Hashimoto, as the two explore the essence of comedy.
Aspiring musicians, take note! If like me, you didn’t spend your early years recording and uploading videos of intimate performances to an adoring YouTube faithful (our dial up connection wouldn’t permit it) then, like me, you probably belong to that special breed of aspiring musicians who grew up away from developed civilisation, honing their craft with only a Mojo subscription to keep them company.Instead of cultivating a music taste via the labyrinth of online musical content, your’s has been formed through a number of sessions listening and re-listening, with your dad, to his limited number of LPs.In today’s industry, the cult of the individual reigns supreme – it’s a landscape of egos and aliases populated by vibrant soft synths, masterfully programmed drum machines and an ever-expanding library of ornamental samples.
ミュージシャンを夢見る者たちよ!昼間の仕事を辞めてもいいかどうかというところまで来た彼らの言葉を聞け! いまミュージシャンを目指している若者の多くは、幼い頃から自分の音楽を録音したり動画を撮影して、それをYouTubeにアップしたりはしてこなかっただろうし、現代文明を駆使することなんかできず、定期購読している『Mojo』だけが技術やセンスを磨くための唯一の先生だったはず。ネット上にある数え切れないほどの音楽コンテンツの迷宮をたどって音楽センスを磨くんじゃなく、父親が持つ数少ないLPを父親と何度も繰り返し聴いて育ったはず - 僕みたいにね。
From a young age younger generations of people are looking up to and adoring these Korean stars and in turn developing positive opinions about Korean companies and products, which ultimately, will only lead to further successes for South Korea in international markets in the future.In my frequent visits to China through my work I’ve asked young people there why K POP is as popular as it is and the most common response I received was “It’s because they come.”
幼いころから、彼らへの憧れを持った若い世代の、韓国企業や製品へのイメージアップは、今後韓国企業にとって海外市場でのさらに大きなプラス要因となっていくだろう。文化外交活動でしばしば訪ねている中国で、若者たちになぜK POPがこれほどまでに人気なのかを尋ねると、返ってくる答えで圧倒的に多いのが、来るからだ。