





She acted as adjudicator in the dispute.
【英単語】adjudicatorを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


Chapter 5 deals with teachers evaluating the performance of their pupils and reacting to the assessment of examiners, adjudicators, critics and agents.
第 5 章では、教師が生徒のパフォーマンスを評価し、試験官、裁定者、批評家、エージェントの評価に反応することを扱います。
Here, the extramusical elements of live or audio-visually presented performances might unduly in-uence adjudicators’ judgements.
The legislative branch has never been the adjudicator of such disputes.
【英単語】adjudicatorを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
A rule, conversely, withdraws from the adjudicator’s consideration the circumstances that would be relevant to decision-making according to a standard.
The concept of practical authority includes legislative authority (lawmakers) and adjudicative authority (judges and adjudicators).
Competition between legal participants might, therefore, necessitate the establishment of extensive adjudicator y institutions so as to resolve the conflicts that will inevitably arise.
【英単語】adjudicatorを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
These aimed to represent all four possible combinations of excellent or poor aural or visual quality, according to judgements previously made by experienced adjudicators.
これらは、経験豊富な審査員によって以前に下された判断に従って、優れた、または劣悪な聴覚または視覚品質の 4 つの可能な組み合わせすべてを表すことを目的としていました。
Even an external adjudicator found that the authority of local custom and memory were his strongest evidence.
In that sense, standards are circumstantial; they are open-ended, allowing the adjudicator to make a factspecific determination such as whether a driver used ‘reasonable care’ in a given situation.
【英単語】adjudicatorを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
Some violations, for example, may be so persistently private that they defy adjudicators’ attempts to meet the evidentiar y burdens to which they are rightly subject.






  • arbitrator
  • go-between
  • mediator
  • moderator
  • referee
  • fixer
  • holdout
  • judge
  • maven
  • umpire
  • middleperson


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
adjudicator 審査員、審判者 (judge)


The MSC assigns an independent adjudicator.
MSC が独立裁定人を指名します。
The independent adjudicator accepts or dismisses the Notice of Objection.
If a solution is not reached, an oral hearing is held.After the oral hearing, the independent adjudicator will dismiss the objection or ask the certifier to change the assessment scoring.
An Independent Adjudicator looks specifically at whether any errors were made by the certifier that would materially affect the outcome in reaching a decision about certification.
The next step in the MSC objections process is for an Independent Adjudicator to be appointed who will then review the documents submitted and determine whether to proceed to a formal objections hearing.
The next step is for the Independent Adjudicator to review the documents submitted and determine whether there is sufficient basis upon which to proceed into the formal objection process.
Objection remand background Consistent with MSC procedures, during the Final Report and Determination consultation period, when objections are allowed, two objections against the decision to certify the Russia Sea of Okhotsk pollock fishery were received, one from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and one from the At-sea Processors Association (APA), representing the U.S. pollock fleet.Each party submitted a Notice of Objection that was subsequently accepted as valid by the MSC appointed Independent Adjudicator (IA).
これに則り、ロシア・オホーツ海のスケトウダラ漁業の認証に対して二つの異議申し立てが行われました。一つはWWF、そしてもう一つは米国のスケトウダラ漁業を代表するAt-sea Processors Association(APA)によるものでした。双方とも異議申し立ての手続きを行い、それぞれの申し立てがMSCによって任命された独立裁定人に受理されました。
She is much sought after as adjudicator and educator.
Vimeo is the host for your videos, not an independent adjudicator.
Vimeo は皆様の動画をホストしており、独立した仲裁者ではないためです。
I was trained in the inquisition, And I am the adjudicator
私は宗教裁判で経験も積んだ 裁判官
The winners shall be chosen at random, by an independent adjudicator from all valid and correctly answered Entry Forms received, on or before the Closing Date (the “Winner”).
当選者は、締切日に、またはその前に受け取られた有効かつ正解の応募フォームすべてから、独立した審査員によって無作為に選ばれます (以下当選者とします)。
These construction arbitration books cover the majority of claims and issues that arise in international construction arbitrations.Adjudication in Construction Contracts, J. Redmond (2001)Although dated, this book covers topics such as the notice of adjudication, the conduct of adjudication and the adjudicator‘s decision, focusing on English law.
工事契約で裁決, J. レドモンド (2001)日付が, 本書は、このような判決の告知などのトピックをカバー, 裁定の実施と審査員の決定, 英国法に焦点を当て.
Independent adjudicator issues provisional ruling in Alaska salmon fishery objection | Marine Stewardship Council An Independent Adjudicator (IA) has dismissed an objection to the proposed certification of the Alaska salmon fishery to the MSC standard.
アラスカサケ漁業の異議申し立てへの独立裁定人による仮裁定について | Marine Stewardship Council アラスカサケ漁業のMSC認証の提言に対する異議申し立てについて、独立裁定人(IA)は、これを却下しました。
The independent adjudicator arranges a call with parties to consider if agreement can be reached.
独立裁定人は示 談が可能か検討する為に関係者との電話会議を手配します。
At times they were referred to with the judge as a “fellow adjudicator.”
With this final decision, the CAB and independent adjudicator have determined that the fishery passes the MSC standard.
Therefore jitsugoto is also called sabakiyaku (an adjudicator).
If the certifier is asked for changes, the adjudicator can accept the changes and the fishery will be certifiedorthe adjudicator upholds the objection.
Since retiring from the newspaper, Mr. Dyer has remained active as a writer, teacher, lecturer, and adjudicator.
According to the indictment – supported by the adjudicator Grazia Pradella and the PM Marco Zocco – the Old man filled out blank reports, rather than presenting when there was a reconnaissance of the corpse for natural deaths or in the case of necroscopic examinations on the office of the Prosecutor.
起訴状によると - 副検事グラツィアプラデルラとマルコ・ゾッコ午後でサポートされている - 検察官に代わって自然死亡または事後検査の場合の死体の分析を行うためにそこにいたとき、白で旧コンパイルレポート、代わりに起こります。





She acted as adjudicator in the dispute.
【英単語】adjudicatorを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


Chapter 5 deals with teachers evaluating the performance of their pupils and reacting to the assessment of examiners, adjudicators, critics and agents.
第 5 章では、教師が生徒のパフォーマンスを評価し、試験官、裁定者、批評家、エージェントの評価に反応することを扱います。
Here, the extramusical elements of live or audio-visually presented performances might unduly in-uence adjudicators’ judgements.
The legislative branch has never been the adjudicator of such disputes.
【英単語】adjudicatorを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
A rule, conversely, withdraws from the adjudicator’s consideration the circumstances that would be relevant to decision-making according to a standard.
The concept of practical authority includes legislative authority (lawmakers) and adjudicative authority (judges and adjudicators).
Competition between legal participants might, therefore, necessitate the establishment of extensive adjudicator y institutions so as to resolve the conflicts that will inevitably arise.
【英単語】adjudicatorを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
These aimed to represent all four possible combinations of excellent or poor aural or visual quality, according to judgements previously made by experienced adjudicators.
これらは、経験豊富な審査員によって以前に下された判断に従って、優れた、または劣悪な聴覚または視覚品質の 4 つの可能な組み合わせすべてを表すことを目的としていました。
Even an external adjudicator found that the authority of local custom and memory were his strongest evidence.
In that sense, standards are circumstantial; they are open-ended, allowing the adjudicator to make a factspecific determination such as whether a driver used ‘reasonable care’ in a given situation.
【英単語】adjudicatorを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
Some violations, for example, may be so persistently private that they defy adjudicators’ attempts to meet the evidentiar y burdens to which they are rightly subject.






  • arbitrator
  • go-between
  • mediator
  • moderator
  • referee
  • fixer
  • holdout
  • judge
  • maven
  • umpire
  • middleperson


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
adjudicator 審査員、審判者 (judge)


The MSC assigns an independent adjudicator.
MSC が独立裁定人を指名します。
The independent adjudicator accepts or dismisses the Notice of Objection.
If a solution is not reached, an oral hearing is held.After the oral hearing, the independent adjudicator will dismiss the objection or ask the certifier to change the assessment scoring.
An Independent Adjudicator looks specifically at whether any errors were made by the certifier that would materially affect the outcome in reaching a decision about certification.
The next step in the MSC objections process is for an Independent Adjudicator to be appointed who will then review the documents submitted and determine whether to proceed to a formal objections hearing.
The next step is for the Independent Adjudicator to review the documents submitted and determine whether there is sufficient basis upon which to proceed into the formal objection process.
Objection remand background Consistent with MSC procedures, during the Final Report and Determination consultation period, when objections are allowed, two objections against the decision to certify the Russia Sea of Okhotsk pollock fishery were received, one from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and one from the At-sea Processors Association (APA), representing the U.S. pollock fleet.Each party submitted a Notice of Objection that was subsequently accepted as valid by the MSC appointed Independent Adjudicator (IA).
これに則り、ロシア・オホーツ海のスケトウダラ漁業の認証に対して二つの異議申し立てが行われました。一つはWWF、そしてもう一つは米国のスケトウダラ漁業を代表するAt-sea Processors Association(APA)によるものでした。双方とも異議申し立ての手続きを行い、それぞれの申し立てがMSCによって任命された独立裁定人に受理されました。
She is much sought after as adjudicator and educator.
Vimeo is the host for your videos, not an independent adjudicator.
Vimeo は皆様の動画をホストしており、独立した仲裁者ではないためです。
I was trained in the inquisition, And I am the adjudicator
私は宗教裁判で経験も積んだ 裁判官
The winners shall be chosen at random, by an independent adjudicator from all valid and correctly answered Entry Forms received, on or before the Closing Date (the “Winner”).
当選者は、締切日に、またはその前に受け取られた有効かつ正解の応募フォームすべてから、独立した審査員によって無作為に選ばれます (以下当選者とします)。
These construction arbitration books cover the majority of claims and issues that arise in international construction arbitrations.Adjudication in Construction Contracts, J. Redmond (2001)Although dated, this book covers topics such as the notice of adjudication, the conduct of adjudication and the adjudicator‘s decision, focusing on English law.
工事契約で裁決, J. レドモンド (2001)日付が, 本書は、このような判決の告知などのトピックをカバー, 裁定の実施と審査員の決定, 英国法に焦点を当て.
Independent adjudicator issues provisional ruling in Alaska salmon fishery objection | Marine Stewardship Council An Independent Adjudicator (IA) has dismissed an objection to the proposed certification of the Alaska salmon fishery to the MSC standard.
アラスカサケ漁業の異議申し立てへの独立裁定人による仮裁定について | Marine Stewardship Council アラスカサケ漁業のMSC認証の提言に対する異議申し立てについて、独立裁定人(IA)は、これを却下しました。
The independent adjudicator arranges a call with parties to consider if agreement can be reached.
独立裁定人は示 談が可能か検討する為に関係者との電話会議を手配します。
At times they were referred to with the judge as a “fellow adjudicator.”
With this final decision, the CAB and independent adjudicator have determined that the fishery passes the MSC standard.
Therefore jitsugoto is also called sabakiyaku (an adjudicator).
If the certifier is asked for changes, the adjudicator can accept the changes and the fishery will be certifiedorthe adjudicator upholds the objection.
Since retiring from the newspaper, Mr. Dyer has remained active as a writer, teacher, lecturer, and adjudicator.
According to the indictment – supported by the adjudicator Grazia Pradella and the PM Marco Zocco – the Old man filled out blank reports, rather than presenting when there was a reconnaissance of the corpse for natural deaths or in the case of necroscopic examinations on the office of the Prosecutor.
起訴状によると - 副検事グラツィアプラデルラとマルコ・ゾッコ午後でサポートされている - 検察官に代わって自然死亡または事後検査の場合の死体の分析を行うためにそこにいたとき、白で旧コンパイルレポート、代わりに起こります。

