英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
addict | 依存症、中毒者、常習者 | ( [sb] dependent on a drug) ( 麻薬 ) |
The house was used mostly by heroin addicts and prostitutes. | ||
その家は主に麻薬中毒者と売春婦に使われていた。 | ||
addict | 愛好者、熱狂的支持者 | ( [sb] obsessed by an activity) |
~中毒の人 | ( 比喩 ) | |
He’s a ceramics addict – he never stops buying old pots and china. | ||
彼は陶磁器の熱狂的な愛好家で、いつも古い壺や陶器を買っている。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
drug addict | 薬物依存者、麻薬中毒者 | (person dependent on a substance) ( 人 ) |
A lot of drug addicts commit burglaries to fund their habit. | ||
現状の麻薬中毒者は、自身の中毒に金欲しさに強盗を犯します。 | ||
heroin addict | ヘロイン中毒者[常用者] | ( [sb] dependent on heroin) |
His parents knew he was a heroin addict, but were still devastated when they learned he had died of an overdose. | ||
彼の両親は、彼がヘロイン中毒者であることを知っていましたが、彼が過剰摂取で死亡したことを知ったとき、まだ打ちのめされていました。 |
The addict died from a drug overdose.
You can’t reason with an addict, and he’s addicted to exploiting opportunities.
キミは中毒者と一緒に証明できると思ってるのか、 そして彼は機会を利用することの中毒に陥った。
That’s just being an addict.
1 to 2 we also love to talk to the addict to get acquaintance of.
“I just can’t seem to get off my computer,” says the self-confessed information addict.
The main character in O’Neill’s play was a hopeless addict, attempting to cure her loneliness with drugs.
That student went on to become a drug addict and a ne’er-do-well.
その生徒は麻薬中毒者でろくでなしに なりました
Be a donor if he was an addict?
彼が中毒者なら ドナーなの?
A singing, it seems to addict to get acquaintance and the two girls up.
In changing my lifestyle, I had become a complete TV addict.
The addict next door Putting a human face to the epidemic lies at the center of this approach.
隣の中毒者 このアプローチの中心は、薬物の蔓延を人の顔で表現することです。
Yes this game addict makes slightly… Moreover it is partly for this reason that this article is published nearly two weeks after sending the video you see below, sur Youtube.
少しも自分でプレイするつもりを言う 10 分, まあ 5 再生を期待 〜 6 倍以上. はいこのゲームになります少しの常習者… さらにこの記事を以下を参照してくださいビデオを送信した後は、ほぼ 2 週間このため部分的には, Youtube で. ここで, 利点は、あなたの敵に対しては要素のレベルです。.
And you have to kill the addict to kill the addiction.
中毒をなくすためには 中毒者を殺さねばならない。
Yes, chocolate is among the presents that have never disappointed, especially if the person to whom you offer it is an addict.
I’m by no means a festival addict, but I’ve been to a wide variety of music festivals since discovering them in high school.
If the person to whom you wish to offer a gift is an addict of small treats, you will have something to impress in this shop.
Should one become a farmer, helping to feed others, or should one become an addict, stealing to support a habit?
He is best known for his roles as heroin addict Mark Renton in the drama Trainspotting..
Roger, who is HIV-positive and a former drug addict, tries to compose his one last great song (“One Song Glory”).
HIV陽性で元薬物中毒者のロジャーは自分の最後の大作の作曲を試みている(”One Song Glory”)。
Denial: a classic symptom of an addict.