「ad lib」の意味(adverb)
参考:「ad lib」の例文一覧
読み方は【ˌæd ˈlɪb】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌæd ˈlɪbを大声で発音しましょう
「ad lib」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!
対義語・反対語一覧を覚えることで、ad libの単語を使いこなしましょう!
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
ad-lib | アドリブ | Latin ( [sth] improvised) |
That reply was so beautifully timed and phrased that it’s hard to believe it was an ad lib. | ||
その返信は、アドリブとは思えないほど美しいタイミングとフレーズでした。 | ||
ad-lib [sth] | ~をアドリブでやる、~を即興でやる | Latin (improvise) |
I lost my notes, so I had to ad-lib my entire speech. | ||
覚書をなくしてしまったので、全演説を即興でやらなければならなかった。 | ||
ad-lib | アドリブでやる、即興でやる | Latin (improvise) |
The actor forgot his lines and was forced to ad-lib. | ||
その俳優は台詞を忘れてアドリブを強いられた. | ||
ad lib,
ad-lib, ad-libbed |
アドリブの、即興の | Latin, abbreviation (ad libitum: improvised) |
That wasn’t bad for an ad lib presentation. | ||
アドリブのプレゼンテーションとしては悪くありませんでした。 | ||
ad lib | アドリブで、即興で | Latin, abbreviation (ad libitum: improvised) |
My entire speech was made ad lib. | ||
私のスピーチ全体がアドリブになりました。 |
ad libの実際の意味・ニュアンス(アドリブ?アドリブで?アドリブで行なう?アドリブで演ずる?)を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
Sanma plays an unsuccessful cartoonist, and more than half of his lines were ad lib.
Iori: I played jazz at the piano recital, ad lib (laughs).
小学生にジャズを弾かせた先生もすごい! イオリ:ピアノの発表会でもジャズを弾いてましたよ、アドリブで(笑)。
The place which it is difficult to understand by the angle seen in Flames of the designated design is designed by ad lib.
TRIVIA of Noh: Q79: Is an ad lib a result of the performance?
What I want to say is that in a free-for-all ad lib session, Charley Weaver has and will beat the fastest gun alive. 16.
私が言いたいことはあること自由のための、すべてのアドリブセッションで, チャーリーウィーバーはあり、生きている最速の銃を負かす事になります。
Traditional Kyogen was mostly a product of ad lib by the actors, and I believe Susugigawa was successful because we did it by that same process.
Normally, there is a play and the play starts, but I always feel doubts about it, so far, I have made an ad lib from the place where there is an actor, or from a novel Sometimes it was made.
During one episode of the show reserved primarily for an interview with Doris Day, his guest star failed to appear, so Allen picked up a microphone and went into the audience to ad lib for the first time. exposing Allen to a national audience for the first time..
ドリス・デイとのインタビューのために主に予約番組の1つのエピソードの間に, 彼のゲストスターが表示されるように失敗しました。, そうアレンは初めてアドリブに観客にマイクをピックアップしました.初めて国の聴衆にアレンをさらします..
Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Ad Lib IPL Ise Kadoya Ad Lib IPL can be bought online at the following places: Ise Kadoya Online Store BeerMa
伊勢角屋アドリブIPLの最後のポイント 伊勢角屋アドリブIPLはクラフトビールよりクラフティです。オンライン販売 伊勢角屋麦酒のオンラインショップ びあマ
But our presentation went very well along with some ad lib.
Maybe that’s the best description of what the series is about; you’re guaranteed to hear music created in some aspect at the moment of experience, but this could come in any form, from a spontaneous meeting of musicians who have never played together before to a rigorous exploration of Korean rhythmic structures to a group creating ad lib collage formings of notated material.
In other words and strictly speaking, her work can’t be complete unless she is there.Her voice, uttered ad lib as she concentrates in a performance of improvisation, is affected by her reaction to reflections of sound at the time.That is the voice coming from a trained body with experience.
In recent years he has started engaging in collaborative projects with other artists in voice performance: in 1999 he was an extra in the performance group Toki-doki jido (Occasionally Automatic), and in 2000 he began to perform in the ad lib voice performance group KUU.
Maybe that’s the best description of what the series is about; you’re guaranteed to hear music created in some aspect at the moment of experience, but this could come in any form, from a spontaneous meeting of musicians who have never played together before to a rigorous exploration of Korean rhythmic structures to a group creating ad lib collage formings of notated material.
Ad Lib is a commercial typeface and you can view more details about it here. Update: The film review website updated their logo in March 2018.
Ad Libは商用の書体で、こちらから詳細をご覧いただけます。
It’s fine even if you forgot it,’ and settled the scene with an ad lib.
Under the condition that these mice were continuously allowed to consume food without restriction (which is called ad lib fed), KO mice had grown to weigh almost twice as much as age-matched wild-type mice at the age of five months.
In contrast to written literature, even performances of the same tales characteristically vary greatly depending on the reciter, the occasion, the timing of the performance, the specific recitation technique as well as the expressions generated ad lib during the recitation and performance.
He was a quiet speaker on the setting but a Genie’s voice actor Robin Williams made change to pop speaks with a lot of ad lib. Robin Williams is a famous actor and voice actor as you know.
他にもあの有名なポパイもの声もこの人 なんですってー!! ロビン・ウィリアムズは自殺してしまったそうです… 。
Unlike traditional Japanese folk music, that is played according to music scores, Tsugaru-shamisen music does not require scores.That’s why the music created with the Tsugaru-shamisen is called “Japanese jazz,” played ad lib just like American jazz.
しかも、楽譜に従って演奏される民謡と違って、楽譜そのものが存在しない津軽三味線は、アメリカのジャズのように自由にアドリブが楽しめる 日本のジャズ と呼ばれている音楽だ。