






They were very husky men, agile acrobats, and their acrobatics were quite entertaining.
These include acrobat , internet, cigarette, reset, teapot, and tonight.
Some pepole go further and dislike even the sight of acrobats risking their necks for our amusement.
Every word in which ‘th’ is prohibited has final syllable stress (tonight, cigarette) or secondary stress on the final syllable ( acrobat , internet), and so ends in a full, non-weak vowel.
「th」が禁止されているすべての単語には、最終音節の強勢 (tonight、cigar) または最終音節に第 2 強勢 ( acrobat 、internet) があるため、完全な非弱母音で終わります。
We all know that in the case of families of acrobats, and so on, the children are brought up in the profession quite young.
A good farmer (pianist, husband, acrobat , plumber, etc.) does not ex officio eliminate all the evils he can.
He said he felt like an actor or an acrobat on a stage.
International and non-verbal acts (acrobats, pantomimes, etc.) are scattered throughout the program.





  • clown
  • dancer
  • gymnast
  • performer
  • tumbler
  • aerialist
  • artist
  • athlete
  • balancer
  • contortionist
  • funambulist
  • stunt person
  • trapezist


  • clod


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
acrobat 曲芸師、アクロバット、軽業師 (gymnast, agile person)
The acrobat performed a triple somersault in mid air.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
street acrobat 街頭曲芸師 (physical performer who works outdoors)


See how far you get with your acrobat and your morals and your new life.
君は、アクロバット、 道徳、新しい人生で 手に入れられるものが どのくらいか分かりなさい。
Get photographed doing your marvelous acrobatic twist and trapeze moves! < Being an acrobat star girl can be dangerous.
And your prime suspects are a clown and an acrobat?
それで最重要容疑者は ピエロと軽業師
And your prime suspects are a clown and an acrobat?
ピエロと軽業師? そう
In his later tightrope acts at the same spot, the acrobat would perform a different stunt on each occasion.
Long before his teleportation power emerged, Wagner had tremendous natural agility, and by his adolescence he had become the circus’ star acrobat and aerial artist.
The acrobat‘s sister, a former world champion hammer-thrower who loved to scare small children, has arranged their performance.
That night, Matilda continues the story of the acrobat and the escapologist.
The escapologist invites the acrobat‘s sister to move in with him to help look after his daughter.
She was the youngest child and only daughter of her father, a Russian acrobat, and her mother, a Romanian ballerina.
彼女は末っ子と父親の唯一の娘でした, ロシアのアクロバット, 彼女の母親, ルーマニアバレリーナ.
He settled in Cleveland, where he met and married his first wife, fellow acrobat Mary Birge.
Performances to attract customers, such as the face changing, erhu, Sichuan opera singing, acrobat, Sachs, street dance, magic, etc., people drink beer at the same time, viewing the Guyan Xiuse, a taste of folk culture.
For added excitement, the Flying Trapeze on Siloso Beach lets guests try their hand at being a flying acrobat.
In 1910 Little Tich became the adoptive father of Rodolphe Knoepper, an orphan born in 1899 to the brother of the Russian acrobat Harry Alaska.
1910年に、リトル・ティッチは、ロドルフ・クノッパー(Rodolphe Knoepper)の養父になった が、彼は、ロシアのアクロバット ハリー・アラスカ(Harry Alaska)の兄弟に1899年に生まれた孤児であった。
When night fell, the beer will have all kinds of wonderful promenade performances to attract customers, such as the face changing, erhu, singing Sichuan opera, acrobat, Sachs, street dance, magic, etc., people drink beer at the same time, viewing the Guyan Xiuse, a taste of folk culture.
Code Of the Samurai The ninja acrobat team is lead by Tsukasa Kadota who delighted the audience with his stunning samurai swordsmanship, which perfectly complies with the samurai code.
さあ、いよいよ2014年最後のHEAVENESEショーの始まりです! 1.Code Of the Samurai 今回ハマり過ぎていると賞賛の嵐、忍者アクロバットチームのリーダー門田司の侍所作(しょさ)。平和の為にみずから自分たちの存在を打ち消した侍、それが隠密、忍者です。
It became a one-sided entity living in Captain Scott Masterson of the American Air Force’s acrobat flight team “Flying Angels”, initially able to transform himself into a crisis, but also became able to transform on his own will in the middle.
A programme throbbing with live culture The programme will start in January by the performance of a top-class tightrope walker and acrobat David Dimitri and in February the city will be ablaze with a Festival of Light lasting several days.
生きた文化で脈打つプログラム プログラムの本番は、1月、スイスの一流綱渡り&アクロバット・アーチスト、ダヴィット・ディミトリのサーカスでスタート。2月には、数日間に渡ってライト・フェスティバルで町中が光り輝きます。
I think it should be possible to do the kinds of things that make people want go to a certain theater in a certain city because they have heard about a unique kind of show going on there, like circus or “De La Guarda” (acrobat or dance shows for stand-up audiences) or “Blue Man Group: TUBES” (a performance group of three men all painted blue in New York).
どこかの都市のどこかの劇場で、あそこにいくとあれやってるらしいぞってみんなが見に来るような、サーカスみたいな、オフブロードウェーの『デ・ラ・ガルダde la guarda』(観客が立ちっぱなしでアクロバットやダンスを見るショー)や『TUBES』(全身真っ青に塗った3人のブルー・マンによるパフォーマンス)みたいな。
(“Minor Monogram”) It is known that Major Monogram wanted his son to become an acrobat, but after seeing his son combine fighting evil with acrobatics, he allows him to fight evil. Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher Monogram originally does not know the boys, asking Carl “Who are those kids” at one point (“Ready for the Bettys”).

